That’s a bit dramatic
Over 40? For me is even worst! You younglings still have time to do something. I have no house, no savings, no retirement plan and no time to do all that! I’m the most fucked! Do you think I expect good things?
We’re in the same boat. I started training a few years ago. At least i want to look good, while going down.
and yet we essentially live in the best of times.
Sad we can’t find a political way for everyone to have enough of what we have.
primal needs to hoard are strong in humans.
We’re still using instincts that were designed for the wild.
We’re a perfect example of what happens when a predator species becomes overpopulated. They over indulge in a plentiful bounty not realizing they’re killing out their food source.
That’s why we hunt dear or kill wolves. A balance must exist or everything goes awry.
Humans destroyed this balance.
No, Jerry, we’re not going to implement The Purge to bring back Malthusian population cycles. We’ve already got the Demographic Transition at home.
Damn you sound like you have a rough time.
I don’t know, my premium notebook is arriving tomorrow, that’s pretty exciting.
Yeah i bought a pen that have red blue and red colors well as a pencil and I’m pretty stoked about it