I made the swich a year or two ago. It is much better I find. I leave it running in a tmux session on my server . with btop on one pane and switch to another with a split view to do work. It allows me to take a quick glance at any time while not taking the focus from what I was working on.
Just found this too, through the rust post some days ago…but its quite obvious that from a usability context that btop is easier to use. With bottom you have to memorize all hotkeys wheres btop is showing them right in the interface.
@Static_Rocket @zShxck for a second there I thought he was revealing his favored sexual positions
Ooh, it looks even better than gtop.
Edit: Why does the menu look like this?
That basically looks like every hollywood movie in existence
is an installable app which when run takes over your machine with a fullscreen terminal and multiple panels with lots of dyanamic data to look like a hacking scene from a Hollywood film. :)
You can exit it with Ctrl+C
I use btop, iotop, jnettop, and radeontop. I rarely need any individual piece of information any of them but they make for an incredible spread of blinkenlights.
You can use nvtop for monitoring your GPU, not as detailed as radeontop though but looks good
Pro tip: configure a font that doesn’t show open circles for unused braille characters to have a higher priority than your current font to get better-looking graphs.
On my system, braille characters are provided by DejaVu Serif, and it was as easy as just installing the font.
I think they mean the variable width of the graph’s columns. If you watch it as the graph moves, there are gaps at every 2 columns.
I don’t understand though the thing about font priorities.
And also, would that just change all fonts? Unless you mod the font to only have the braille characters…
No, you’ve got it set up right. Many people will have graphs where each character rectangle has open circles for the unused braile dots in the character block.