Ooh, it looks even better than gtop.
Edit: Why does the menu look like this?
Yeah, that looks very cool. Wish I could use it as my wallpaper or a widget in gnome
One I started using Bpytop, I couldn’t go back.
@JoMiran @zShxck That is very nice. I love the way you can toggle between disk space usage and disk I/O usage. Here is a btop of the machine that friendica.eskimo.com is running on:
Just found this too, through the rust post some days ago…but its quite obvious that from a usability context that btop is easier to use. With bottom you have to memorize all hotkeys wheres btop is showing them right in the interface.
@Static_Rocket @zShxck for a second there I thought he was revealing his favored sexual positions
I made the swich a year or two ago. It is much better I find. I leave it running in a tmux session on my server . with btop on one pane and switch to another with a split view to do work. It allows me to take a quick glance at any time while not taking the focus from what I was working on.