Tell us what game you are currently, or recently played, greater than 6+ months old.
If the game happens to be on sale, a link would be fantastic.
Baldur’s Gate 3! It’s such an amazing game that I used a week of vacation time to do nothing except play that game. I’ve never done anything like that before. Forewarning, laying on the couch for a week straight doesn’t feel great physically.
Finished Hitman 2 the other day, now working on the third. It’s… alright I guess. Starting to get a little boring and repetitive.
I’m getting back into the witcher 3 horse. Ive played it on and off over the years but never completed it. I’m looking forward to putting more time into it because its a really cool game so far
I’m playing Paper Mario 64 for the first time, it’s not a typical Mario game by any stretch but it’s an ok jrpg.
Timberborn, Europa universalis 4 and the perfect Tower 2 😊
Which version of EU4 are you on? I’ve been playing it with some friends for a while (on a converted save from CK2), but because we have limited time that we’re all free together we’ve been getting through it very slowly. As such, we’re still on v1.33, although I have modded in some things from 1.34. Having fun, but it has been interesting seeing the newer versions. It looks like there’s an awful lot of power creep and the proliferation of mission trees seems to make it less of a sandbox, but I haven’t actually played the up-to-date version of the game so I’m very much just looking in from the outside