Tell us what game you are currently, or recently played, greater than 6+ months old.
If the game happens to be on sale, a link would be fantastic.
SW Jedi: Fallen Order
I stopped playing a while a go at an annoying boss fight but this week I stuck it on easy mode and continued on. It’s a great game so far and also mostly suitable to play around my kids so they watch. The giant spiders freak us all out though…
Control and Fallout 3.
Control is a masterclass at world building and storytelling.
Fallout 3 is as excellent as always, but even on the Steam Deck it suffers from random crashes. Save often.
I just finished Batman Arkham Knight and started Breath of The Wild… So far I’m liking it!
I don’t know if I’m so noob, but I’m feeling Zelda is a bit harder at the start than Batman lol.
Finished Hitman 2 the other day, now working on the third. It’s… alright I guess. Starting to get a little boring and repetitive.
Kingdom Come Deliverance. Occasionally it’s a bit tedious but I appreciate a Fantasy RPG without the fantasy as a change of pace, particularly since I enjoy history of that period. I’ve liked it enough that I’m doing a Hardcore run straight after, and taking away much of the UI clutter is something I appreciate (especially with a mod to remove the compass altogether). Not to mention not relying on quest markers adds another element of immersion which would probably annoy me on a first run but adds something to the second run.