The people “struggling” to read this need to go back to children’s books. This is entirely readable.
There are too many commas and the phrasing is awkward. The first and last two commas are grammatically incorrect.
Removing those commas only makes it the more awkward. Don’t apply for editing jobs.
Grammar isn’t a matter of opinion, and incorrect grammar doesn’t make anything less awkward. We’re not talking about Oxford commas, these are just wrong.
its so hard to read and i dont even think the analogy makes sense
Capital is surplus labor that has already been produced by wage laborers and extracted by Capital Owners. Capital owners then use the capital created by labor to extract more Capital via various financial instruments which exist to extract the value created by labor. Making it a cyclical loop growing more and more capital resulting in the vast wealth that Billionaires, corporations, and hedge funds possess today.
yeah, but i was talking about the analogy of having “living labor” and “dead labor”
Gotcha, here goes. Labor creates value. Capital owners pay labor a fraction of the value they create then hold on to the surplus value which was created by labor that has already been completed. Capitalists then use that ‘dead labor’ to suck up more value from ‘living labor’ that they are currently extracting surplus value from. Similar to a vampire sucking blood from living creatures, using the power it already sucked from a creature it killed from sucking blood from.
I think I had a stroke reading this
Quite the contrary, it’s properly structured and leaves no room for misinterpretation, given that the reader can, well, read.
“I got fever…and the only cure is more commas!”
In a ML system, how does labor aquire the tools and facilities they need to do their work? If they pay for it themselves do workers who join later need to compensate the earlier workers?
If bank loans still exist and the workers take one, they are giving some of the value they create to the bank. Again, do future workers compensate past workers who made that sacrifice?