Mozilla hasn’t been putting any effort into making firefox a proper competitor despite their 400M+/year from Google.
They haven’t pushed the envelope in any way, haven’t invested in a Rust browser engine, haven’t moved away from XUL, haven’t fixed their oldest bugs, haven’t made Gecko more easily embeddable, haven’t added added better documentation to Gecko, haven’t improved speed or memory use, haven’t invested heavily in their android version (it’s slow af on older devices), only just now are starting to enable extensions in firefox on android, …
Their biggest changes are buying up a few useless startups (Pocket, some analytics company?), multiprocess firefox, manifest, containers, looking more chrome-like, firing 400 developers or something during COVID and paying their CEO 5M (?).
All they do is exist. The only reason people switch is because other browsers fuck up. IMO, that’s not a strategy to get more users, but a strategy to collect the Google cheque.
I’m just switching back to Firefox given all the bullshit that’s coming in Chrome. Hopefully others follow suit and that number starts climbing back up.
So everyone using FF just had to start visiting more .gov websites (using the correct user agent) ?
That’s terrible. How can Firefox usage rates be declining? It seems like every day there’s some new scammy feature being rolled out in all the other browsers.
Most people have no idea that there are differences between browsers, or how the internet even works for that matter, and as such, generally use either Chrome or whatever the default installed browser is. until G tries to force ads on all the Chrome