Cannot move princess out of
which is behind a shared reference
It will also complain that trying to break into the castle is unsafe, so you have to tell it that you know.
“Alright, but you better be outside of a properly locked up and OSHA-compliant castle with the princess by the time I get back, or I’m not compiling”
And then you do that, but you miss a smoldering ember from one of the castles torches, and everything including the horse and princess catches fire. Next time, pick an escape plan that only requires unsafe
for the drawbridge.
There’s a totally safe way to do it too, I guess, but it involves building a series of replacement castles, and it’s also totally ugly and sinfully slow.
no python? how are normie programmers like me supposed to relate to this?
You have python. You import antigravity. The princess flies off into space. You monkey patch the princess so she has wings.
Python: You send someone else to rescue the princess on your behalf. That someone else is the C knight.
No perl either. Much like python you find a relevant library (in cpan), but unlike python there will be seven different implementations, and any four perl devs will come up with at least ten solutions, nine of which will successfully rescue the princess
from Rescues import Princess
map(lambda princess: princess.rescue(), [castle.get_princess() for castle in castles])
Here is the original comic, it’s got the word fuck in it! Direct link to higher-quality image.
Yeah. I thought we all agreed that we don’t fucking swear here. What the fuck…Shit. Darn-it. /s
Swift: Apple releases a new version of the castle and deprecates the princess before you finish your implementation
the author did another comic with swift and it’s pretty much what you said lol