growing up around a lot of guns … open carry doesn’t concern me at all really
Seems to me the only ones that are open carrying are tacticool cosplayers that haven’t spent anytime on the range and don’t know the first thing about gun safety. They are a danger to everyone around them.
I say this as a gun owner that doesn’t find the need to carry an AR to pickup a burrito at Chipotle.
That’s why I always carry two guns, if I make my point and then you pull your counterpoint, I still can make another point.
I feel dumber for typing that
I got a nice chuckle, thanks!
Can’t do that with guns in my country, but I figured I could improvise. I went to the local leather goods store and asked them for a banana holster. They told me to get out. 😕
One of my DnD members would come to my place open carrying. I asked him not to bring it with him in the future. He now Carrie’s a 12”+ knife with him to the table -.-
Maybe you should figure out a safe place for him to stash his weapon while in your home, so you can relax when emotions flare during the game, and he can feel safe on the street.
It’s not that I’m really that nervous about it. I just don’t see the need or justification. We’re literally doing one of the lowest-stakes activities one can do. It’s like those assholes the open-carry assault rifles on public street just to exercise the right. I hardly think he’ll do anything with it, but why have it to begin with?