I have major regret for buying this game. Games like this should have a 20 hour refund window instead of 2. It took me 2 hours to realize it wasn’t possible to get the game to not run like garbage.
Well if the companies refuse to give you a demo to try, maybe you should pirate it to try and then purchase it.
Another option is becoming a patient gamer and just waiting for the game to get better (if it does) a year or two down the line and then buy it at a discount.
In the last few years there aren’t many games I didnt regret buying early.
I usually do pirate and then buy (if worthy) but surely a major Bethesda release would be worth 80 bucks, right?
Wrong. They proved that they could no longer be trusted after the release of Fallout 76.
I’d rather buy it than spend hours and hours downloading and failing to unpack it for unknown reasons.
But I’m not going to spend more than like 10 minutes trying to make it work. If it takes longer than that, it’s just a shit game that doesn’t deserve my money. Too many other perfectly good games to spend my time playing to fuck around with all of that.
Steams 2 hour window is not a hard line. I’ve refunded games after spending hours trouble shooting
The two weeks thing I think is the hard limit, but 2 hours most definitely isn’t.
I’ve heard that, but once I tried to refund a game at 3 hours and got nothing but an automated response (denial) everytime I requested a refund.
In this specific case it was actually a game I played 2 hours of during a free weekend approximately 4 years before buying it, played one hour after buying it to see if it had gotten better, decided it hadn’t and refunded it. But Steam counts free weekend playtime towards the refund window…
If there’s any actual way to ensure a human reviews it, that’d be neat. 100% it was automatically denied by some code just checking my playtime and seeing it was past two hours.
I know when you’re fighting with Google support as an app store developer, including images in correspondence can get a human to look at it as they can’t properly scan that for automation purposes.
Maybe a url in a claim would be the same for steam? Not sure if you can include images.
I emailed Gabe directly when I had an edge case like that. He forwarded it and it got resolved.
Even 2 weeks isn’t the hard limit, at least in Australia.
I finished Doom Eternal at launch and put about 20-30 hours into it, but got it refunded when Bethesda added Denuvo to it 3 weeks post launch
Ngl I’m honestly happy with the trade off of being able to refund games when publishers try to pull shit vs being able to buy a Steam Deck
I once got a refund after 5 hours. I opened the game, left it running at the main menu, then went to make lunch and completely forgot about it. Wasted probably about 3.5 hours in the menu. When I asked for a refund, I didn’t even explain that I’d left it open in the main menu; I just pointed out why I didn’t like it and why I wanted a refund. The game in question was Mount and Blade, store country was Germany, and I submitted the refund request on the same day I bought it.
Huh, so this is what happens when you passive-aggressively diss your customers’ reviews and tell them “no, it isn’t our fault our game feels dated and like a step down from what we had before, you guys are just playing the game wrong”…
Somehow it got nominated for the “most innovative gameplay” in the Steam awards. Absolute joke
IDK, it’s been awhile since someone had the audacity to make something so repetitive and pass it off as AAA gameplay.
You can hate on it all you want, even say the game was boring and bland.
But the way they did New Game + was very innovative.
You have to complete the game to even play the New Game +, dont think that’s what got them the nomination
I was incredibly tempted to pre-order Starfield. Everything about it should be right up my alley. I love Sci-fi, space and all things related. But I learned my lesson after pre-ordering Diablo 4. I decided to try out the pirated version shortly after release and was so disappointed and glad I didn’t buy it. I dropped it after a few hours and had no desire to play it after that.
Also coming into it straight after playing Baldur’s Gate 3 made it look so dated. The plastic doll looking NPC’s and animations, boring dialogue and writing. I’m not even that into fantasy/D&D type settings and BG3 drew me in for many hours.
I really hope someone makes a game as good as BG3 but set in space, similar to Mass Effect etc.
Yeah, similar for me. On one had, the idea of a space based “Skyrim” type game sounded pretty cool.
On the other hand, yet another Bethesda “skyrim/fallout” type of game has been overdone without much innovation by Bethesda. So my hopes were quite tempered.
I think BG3 is making a lot of normal quality games look really bad this year. Like putting a super model in a picture of normally okay people.
That said BG3’s true innovation was literally just putting the work in. They didn’t make anything truly new, they just did everything game developers have learned in the last 40 years to a very high standard.
It isn’t an ad. I just linked to the store page itself and I don’t post affiliate ads and those aren’t possible on steam anyway. It’s just resolving the link and there just happens to be a sale for that garbage shaped game.