Will the game be on Xbox Series X?
Will it be like civilization 6? I ask because the description it gives on Microsoft edge says this: Star Trek: Infinite is a 4X grand strategy video game developed by Argentinian studio Nimble Giant Entertainment and published by Paradox Interactive. In Star Trek: Infinite, players take control of one of four Star Trek civilizations interstellar civilization on the galactic stage and are tasked with exploring, colonizing, and engaging minor nations and other major civilizations with diplomacy, trade, or warfare.
When does it come out? On Microsoft edge it says it will release in 2023 and if that’s true we only got a couple days left 😅🤣
The game is basically a dumbed down version of stellaris with TNG flavor.
Nothing wrong with that, but having played the original it is very unappealing.
You say it’s Stellaris dumbed down. I say it’s Stellaris without the fat, dead weight and overcomplication. Stellaris is up its own ass with the level of management and absurd resources and everything else. So many different currencies and resources and different stats and buildings and fucking planets and everything. It never felt intuitive to me and feels functionally impossible to play. Nevermind enjoy. Every menu you open is another deluge of information that feels like you need like 5 years of logistics experience to even comprehend. I’ve got a couple hundred hours in it and I still haven’t figured out most of the game. Doesn’t help that because the game is so needlessly complex the tutorial seemed to have been planned out by a lobotomized chimp. Oh great. One of 45 popups that occur in the first 5 minutes, overwhelming you with information that you won’t remember, and then never being mentioned when actually maybe useful.
Infinite is not Stellaris dumbed down, it’s just made for the average gamer when Stellaris very very very much isn’t.
So what you are saying is that it is a simplified (more polite than dumbed down) version of stellaris?
No slight intended of course, enjoy whatever you prefer
Yeah reading my comment it does come off aggressive but not intended in that tone.
But I’d say streamlined over simplified
It took me playing the classic masterpiece designs of board gaming like Agricola, Concordia and Dominion to make me realize how bloated most strategy video games are.
It ain’t about how complex the system is, it is about how meaningful and interesting your choices are and honestly some video games are just horrendous at making you do 1000 little tasks that don’t really matter.
I haven’t played stellaris though.
That massive number of resources, planets, pops, fleets, and everything else is not only understandable but feels magnificent when you have them dancing to your tune. Also my brother in SpongeBob, you literally got mad at a tutorial. On a more serious and hopefully helpful note, the game grows on you like a fungus. It’s really not much worse than Civ. Energy is gold, Minerals and Alloys are effectively Production, Unity is Culture (and works almost identically to Civ V, you can’t use it to outright win is all) and the scinces are well Science. As for all the others, my man those are your Strategic and Luxury resources. But that’s only where the fun starts, the real madness is civ and species generation. I once made space orbital dwelling, advanced robotics having, xenophobic, pacifists that relied on slave labor stolen from nations that declared war on my seemingly defenseless empire. I also made the Megachurch of Dewy, Cheatham and Howe.
Edit: I almost forgot the best terrible civ I made, OnlyStreams.
The game is already out, has been for a few months. It’s on Steam, Windows & Mac only.
The game is built on top of Stellaris, with all of the space empire building that entails. It is sort of in the same vein as Civ, but it’s more real time and not turn based, and lets you get more into the small details in some ways than Civ does.
I would say it doesn’t really compare to any of the Star Trek Armada games. It’s more 4x like Master of Orion or Civilization (Or Star Trek: Birth of the Federation for an in-universe game). You start with 4 planets colonised, and a handful of other systems that have resources you can mine, but rather than building research stations where you have to spend resources for techs like Armada, you’re cultivating researcher ‘pops’ (population units) to generate research points that let you pick up technologies. And rather than like a single system you’re trying to take over, it’s a full galaxy that you’re having to spread around with. And you don’t just blow up enemy ships. You also spy on the enemies (and your allies sometimes), and conduct diplomacy. And there are plenty of anomalies around to keep your science ships busy doing Star Trek-y stuff.
I’m sad it isn’t on console tbh but I hope everyone on pc enjoys it. Going to go look for a YouTube series on it 😅
It came out in October, it won’t come to consoles.
😭😭😭😭 any news on why it won’t come to console? Feel like that’s a big missed opportunity.
4X games don’t really work on controllers.
EDIT: apparently Stellaris did eventually come to consoles three years after its initial release so it’s not totally impossible but I sure wouldn’t want to play Stellaris without a mouse or without mods
Age of wonders 4 is on console. Civ 6 and cantata are on console. Dune spice wars is coming to console. Not bringing Star Trek infinite to console over “controller” is lame and a big miss opportunity imo.
The game has already come out, but as far as I know, is only available on Mac and Windows.
Infinite is a real time game, unlike the turn-based nature of Civilization.
I have put thousands of hours into Civ over its various versions. I tried Inifinite out for a few days but it did not click with me. My plan is to wait and give it a bit after some updates and then try again.