When you got these awesome ideas for the next big thing that should happen in your campaign and when you get to the table and actually realize you have no idea how the group is supposed to get to the thing organically.
“I guess you kind of just walk there”
Just use them.
I know you want everything to perfectly make sense, but your players are there for a good time. Don’t worry about minor details, just do cool stuff.
Kidnap your players. It isn’t railroading if it’s a prisoner arc!
The secret is to not work from what you’d like to do, but to work backwards from what your players want to do.
Seriously, throw out all the prep you have that isn’t landing, and just ask your players what kinds of things they want to do. Then, make stories inspired by the actions or accomplishments they want to undertake.
… This does require that your players have some idea of what they want to do, though. If you have checked out or uninvested players, there’s essentially nothing you can do I’m afraid.
So now I will soapbox to the players reading this: Your job is to be invested in the game. If you don’t put energy into being invested, you’re not fulfilling your side of the arrangement at the table.
I recently had a player tell the group they were afraid of pursuing things because they didn’t want to waste the group’s time. I’m like who hurt you.
I mean, you do have to read the room a little and if you’re the only one that wants to go to the knitting festival maybe sell it harder or yield. But just quietly being unhappy isn’t fun for anyone.
A meme has never hit me deeper…
I wish I could write them like TV show episodes where it’s just short story after short story with the characters and lore developing each time.