I know people like it, but I just can’t get into turn based games. Something about them just makes me feel depressed and isolated.
I ranted about it on here before but maaaan
Baldur’s Gate 3 for me is weighted down so hard by the combat system. The D&D combat system is a result of having to be simple enough so that humans can keep track of it with pen & paper. But we’re on a computer now, it can do a lot of math very fast. You can implement actual, modern resource management systems and reasonable levels of variance. Everything being a D20 roll is frustrating me so much, I don’t remember the last time I got this mad at a video game so frequently, for real. I’ve played some really mediocre RPGs but in all of them I enjoyed the combat infinitely more than in BG3.
But everything else is like 9-10/10. The exploration is so amazing, the characters are all lovable, the roleplay-feeling is incredible. If it wasn’t for the insanely antiquated combat, it’d be my game of the year for sure.
The D&D combat system is a result of having to be simple enough so that humans can keep track of it with pen & paper. But we’re on a computer now, it can do a lot of math very fast. You can implement actual, modern resource management systems and reasonable levels of variance.
CyberSyn needs to be implemented into every RPG
Yeah. This is why BG3 bounced off my friend. Just does not like the combat.
And considering how much I really dont like doing combat in D&D, to the point i tried designin my own system my friends could play instead (system got done because it was very simple, but ended up getting caught up in the scale of my worldbuilding and it never happened) I actually think I might bounce off BG3 too.
Yeah and the DnD combat system sucks major ass. The pen & paper game has to be like that because of humans needing to be able to keep track of everything manually, but a video game doesn’t have those limitations. I get that they made a faithful adaptation, it just frustrates me because had the adaptation been less faithful it would’ve likely made for a better game. It’s like if you made a movie adaptation of a book and you insisted that every scene of the movie starts with a narrator reading out the chapter name because that’s how the book does it.
Edit: To clarify, I don’t consider this an “objective” criticism because I recognize that they were going for a faithful adaptation and executed it extremely well. I just personally would’ve preferred if it was different.
yeah because I JUST got out of Act 1 and to make matters worse, I’m constantly over-encumbered so I’m constantly spending an hour stopping in the middle of nowhere and going “hmm ok I need all these arrows and scrolls but also I need every book and gem I’ve ever picked up.” but ever since SOMEONE dumped their entire backpack in my inventory and ran off before immediately getting the party into a fight where I was bogged down by an entire extra inventory of shit, I’ve been trying to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Am I really gonna use the broken wand of fireballs I picked up? Actually yes I probably will so instead let me just make Lae’zel carry all these extra broadswords…
holy shit you don’t have to carry the camp supplies everywhere holy shit why didn’t I think of this. no more useless rothe ribs
you’ve just changed the game for me thank you
You can always send everything you plan on selling to your camp, then retrieve it when you find someone to sell it to. Alternatively, there are probably mods on PC to let you set carrying capacity to thirty trillion.
Easier just to quick-save before a fight, shuffle my inventory around so I’m at 94.5/96 and give Lae’zel six daggers, a bunch of random armor, and three longswords (that I’d get 80 gold for) & just let her throw them at enemies. Cloud of Daggers? Yeah I’ve got that spell memorized, I use the “Hey Lae’zel” incantation to cast it.
I know we live in an age of hyper rapid consumption, but I genuinely don’t know how Katz just blast through games. Especially games with any sort of depth or complexity. Maybe I’m just playing game slowly but I have never understood how people just rampage through games they have.
BG3 seems like one of those games that should just be savored and explored, exterminated with, and experienced in a deliberate fashion. It should stay on playlists and play time for a long time
Mortisimal Gaming doing 100% playthrough reviews for tons of huge games including BG3. I can’t even fathom it.