I’m so happy to see this franchise do so well, I actually haven’t played 3 yet and Bg1 and 2 are my most played games ever. I’ve played through them several times and love them more than any other game…I know BG3 is very different in terms of the playing, but it does seem like they captured the sense of a massive world with infinite paths to goals. Cannot wait to play it, just need to be done with Cyberpunk. I hope my wife understands!
It’s probably the best adaptation of a fantasy ttrpg on the computer to-date, just like the original games were in their day.
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is also fantastic, if you haven’t already played that one.
Wotr is tons of fun but it’s way way more classic crpg with lots of reading. Bg3 is a breakout because it feels like you are interacting with a living, breathing world, not a choose your own adventure with pixel art.
And pathfinder is a way way way harder system to get into than 5e
I would argue Divinity: Original Sin II was the breakout, although that’s kind of hair-splitting because it’s also Larian studios.
I hope my wife understands!
Have your wife play the game too and tell her to keep Astarion in her party.
Haha I’ve actually set up a steam link so I can play PC games in our living area so can be with her while I play which will help. She also does encourages me to game as it’s a guilt free stress reliever.
Wait… what would be a guilt-ridden stress reliever? Are you a serial killer in your spare time or something?
The only reason why I don’t play BG3 more is because it doesn’t run on the steam deck all that well.
The second I finally get around to hiring someone to install Ethernet drops in the living room and setting up sunshine my hours are going to skyrocket.
I know we live in an age of hyper rapid consumption, but I genuinely don’t know how Katz just blast through games. Especially games with any sort of depth or complexity. Maybe I’m just playing game slowly but I have never understood how people just rampage through games they have.
BG3 seems like one of those games that should just be savored and explored, exterminated with, and experienced in a deliberate fashion. It should stay on playlists and play time for a long time
Mortisimal Gaming doing 100% playthrough reviews for tons of huge games including BG3. I can’t even fathom it.
yeah because I JUST got out of Act 1 and to make matters worse, I’m constantly over-encumbered so I’m constantly spending an hour stopping in the middle of nowhere and going “hmm ok I need all these arrows and scrolls but also I need every book and gem I’ve ever picked up.” but ever since SOMEONE dumped their entire backpack in my inventory and ran off before immediately getting the party into a fight where I was bogged down by an entire extra inventory of shit, I’ve been trying to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Am I really gonna use the broken wand of fireballs I picked up? Actually yes I probably will so instead let me just make Lae’zel carry all these extra broadswords…
You can always send everything you plan on selling to your camp, then retrieve it when you find someone to sell it to. Alternatively, there are probably mods on PC to let you set carrying capacity to thirty trillion.
Easier just to quick-save before a fight, shuffle my inventory around so I’m at 94.5/96 and give Lae’zel six daggers, a bunch of random armor, and three longswords (that I’d get 80 gold for) & just let her throw them at enemies. Cloud of Daggers? Yeah I’ve got that spell memorized, I use the “Hey Lae’zel” incantation to cast it.
holy shit you don’t have to carry the camp supplies everywhere holy shit why didn’t I think of this. no more useless rothe ribs
you’ve just changed the game for me thank you