The only time I’ve seen it be appropriate was one lady at my work who trained service animals, and so the dog went everywhere she went. Every 2 years there would be a new dog in the building.
I am fine with service animals and well behaved animals. At my company they had a trial run with “work buddies”. It resulted in people bringing in their untrained mutts that would fight among each other, shitting on the floor and generally making a mess of the office. One dog tried to jump on me during a meeting and I shoved it aside, the owner came over and was all pissy that I wasn’t more friendly to his dog. That policy did not last long
I’m totally against pets and children at workplaces.
I prefer one dog for the whole place. But if everyone could bring a dog and there were cubicles or offices, keep your dog in your own area unless you are coming or going.
Also, I would require a behavior test. Good mmanners, no aggression, no accidents, and no incessant barking.
If all that criteria were met, then 100% yes.
No way. I own two, and have had to deal with too many other dog owners. 95% are flat-out delusional about their cutie smooshums.
I often wish I could move to a community where I could take my very well-behaved dog everywhere offleash. It’d need fences around roads or just to be totally walking-based, and screening so problem dogs don’t get in, though.