I was born in 1989 and the math is HARD some days.
If you’re born in '89 just add 11 to the current year and you have your age (34). This works for any year you’re born.
Born in ''83? Just add 17 to the current year. You have your age (40)
tbf, it may not be hard to calculate, but it is hard to admit I’m almost halfway my thirties…
Also born in 89, I can say I was still born in the Soviet Union.
Why do people even calculate this? It’s an integer you only have to increment once a year. Just remember your age.
I hardly remember what I was doing 5 seconds ago. Sure, that’s more complicated than a number, and I think about my age rather frequently so remembering it is rather easy, but storing anything for a year and remembering it when I haven’t thought about it for a while is difficult.
1970 gang unite!
You’d be surprised…