News from Gamers Nexus. Including some part about the response from Linus regarding the previous video. Linus really likes to jump the gun and digging holes for himself.
Is it just drama for consumers to be aware of the potential risks when purchasing something? Do I just love drama if I write a bad review for a bad product?
The point of Gamer’s Nexus is to review shit.
> Media Company loaned $10k prototype from startup
> Media Company gives scathing review of product after knowingly using it incorrectly
> Media Company also auctions off prototype instead of returning it, now startup cannot continue product development
> Other Media Company calls out first Media Company for irresponsible conduct
> “TeCh ReViEwEr DrAmA”
It is relevant only insofar that if you rely on youtube reviews for stuff you buy, maybe don’t click on LTT videos any more.
But that’s not exactly new advise, more from like… 10 years ago or so 😂. Still, they did a really bad thing here.
i’m getting somewhat sick of seeing this posted everywhere…
The dude who doesn’t let his employees talk about pay is a shit bag? Who would have guessed?
I think Linus is convinced that if they slow down at all, the entire company will collapse because they’ve grown so huge. They also ran up huge debt to build the Labs which will not start generating revenue for a long time.
Well, then it’s a good thing that he didn’t also blow a bunch of money on a mansion, a “true” mansion, and then a badminton court. That would have been a real waste of money that could have gone to a safety net for the company instead, so, you know, it’s great that he didn’t do anything like that.
I’ve been wondering about that too; really not sure where the ROI was going to come from for such a massive investment. Sure, it enhances the videos, but by that much? Unlikely. Where’s the income generation happening on all that equipment?
All the videos on the equipment. :p
I mostly think this is the main thing about the lab. It’s content, lots of content, which he can monetize. His giant house. Lots of projects, more content.
The data is a far secondary goal. The equipment would never pay for itself without the content it generates.
I’ve called this since the backpack warranty debacle. Linus needs to be pulled back to earth or risk having LTT lose their credibility.
There’s credibility in the first place? O_o I always assumed it’s like Top Gear for cars; it’s entertainment for younger people of its time.
TL:DR On this backpack warranty thing? I keep reading comments mentioning it, but I am not aware of what happened.
LTT made a 250 USD backpack. When people asked about the warranty, Linus basically said “trust me bro” and mocked people who voiced their concerns of buying a brand new quite expensive backpack without any warranty.