Wtf is the reasoning here, just checked and it’s broken for me also.
They stated its for reducing spam and that jazz.
However, it has the hidden benefit of yet another reason to avoid rooting, which means less access to functional adblocking
yet another reason to avoid rooting
we can all agree that literally nobody would give up their rooted phone if they’re forced to choose between root or RCS
I don’t care how many services they break, I’m not giving up root access.
I would definitely root. But I do want to have access to my banking apps and GPay. Even though I do have a watch that can do all that
You can have root as well as gpay and wallet. I have literally right now in Android 14.
I’m on LineageOS, rooted, and RCS is working for me. Is the block tied to the device safety attestation?
My device (somehow?) passes safety check, and I’ve had no problems with my banking app, Pay, or other annoying apps that insist you don’t own your own device.
I’m not sure which level I pass, I can use everything but etrade right now.
Tap to pay using gpay and all my banking apps work
You can use Simple Play Integrity Checker on IzzyOnDroid (fdroid repo) or the play store. It also checks safetynet.
If gpaywallet works that would indicate 2/3 play integrity if your android is recent I think, so it might be unrelated to the api. 3/3 isn’t enforceable yet afaik, too many legitimate devices can’t pass it.
Apps can still bring their own root checks, but magiskhide should allow you to pass those.
Unless the app is quite nasty and checks for the mere presence of apps that don’t do much without root or xposed, in which case there are also modules that allow you to limit what apps other apps can see being installed (really seeing installed apps should be a permission, but sadly it isn’t on most roms yet)
You pass without Magisk? Curious if you’re on a Pixel as they can fail attestation if the bootloader is unlocked.
No, I have Magisk which is probably what it is. I’m still used to the r/LineageOS rules where you’re not allowed to even mention the existence of Magisk. lol
I haven’t rooted any phones or flashed roms in years. Please let me know why it’s so taboo to mention Magisk?
I lost RCS for most of yesterday on my rooted stock phone. After I realized what was going on I went into Magisk and saw that an update was available for Play Integrity Fix and that solved the issue. What I found most annoying wasn’t that it didn’t work, but that it broke in a way that seemed like it was working. Both myself and other people saw that we were connected/chatting via RCS and their messages sent just fine, but I didn’t receive them. Well, until I applied the update, then I got all of them.
Yet one more reason to not use the hot garbage that is RCS
RCS is walled off by design, so that users are dependent on Google and their phone carrier. If they wanted an open standard they would have adopted something like XMPP.
RCS is designed to be used with a phone number though. And fall back to SMS when unavailable. If XMPP was used.
If RCS was fully walled off, Apple would not be able to implement it like they said they would
They say that it’s for reducing spam but then i read that in india they allow businesses to pay for sending unsolicited spam to the point that enabling RCS it’s like stating “i like spam, please send more”