Takoyaki (たこ焼き, lit. „grilled octopus“) are a popular kind of street food which you come across around nearly every corner in large Japanese cities, especially in the Kansai region (Ōsaka, Kyōto, …).
These came from the Tenjinbashi-suji in Ōsaka.
Edit: correct translation
I love Takoyaki but can no longer stomach eating octopus. Such intelligent and delightful creatures. If I ever roll vegan, it will be they that started me on that path.
There’s also ebiyaki! The difference is that it contains shrimp (ebi) instead of octopus (tako). I’m with you on not wanting to eat squid, but I already didn’t like octopus, so I never even got to the moral quandary point. :P
Also, aside from needing a specialized pan, they’re actually pretty easy to make at home, and you can fill them however you’d like.
Mate, if you write Kyōto, you also have to write Ōsaka
While we’re being pedantic,
lit. “octopus balls”
It doesn’t literally mean that, it’s more like “grilled octopus”.
I’m blessed enough to live nearby a place that makes takoyaki here in the states, so I’ve had quite a few! Also, I agree with what others say that I feel bad eating an intelligent creature. Maybe one day my morals will win out over my stomach.
I’ve ALWAYS wanted to try Takoyaki! it looks so good!