84 points

If you think about the brutality of nature, which we are mostly isolated from, then yeah, organisms in general do have to earn their right to life through overcoming and eating other organisms.

48 points

Which was the point of civilization. To isolate us from that hell.

22 points

Even in a civilization someone has to produce food so you’ll survive. Civilization doesn’t mean no one has to work.

If you do no work but because of civilization you still have food to eat, it means someone else is working to earn your living for you.

This bizarre meme implies work has no value, and was likely made by a wealthy university socialist that had everything paid for by their parents so doesn’t understand the value of work.

13 points

This meme does not state no one needs to work. It states you don’t need to earn your place among the living. You’ve already done so by virtue of being born. I think that is a noble goal for a society to uphold. Higher ideals are, of course, what separates us from the realm of animal urges. Once you begin to mix laws of the jungle back into society the point of our isolation from it is subverted. If we truly are the greatest Earth has to offer, surely we can figure so.

1 point

“Damn, this argument I made up for OP really sucks! What’s even worse is the fanfiction I made up for them, woah Nelly!”

6 points

The nice thing about the society is that we don’t need to give a shit about that

4 points

Less than two steps between that and eugenics, and one step between eugenics and genocide. We’ve seen and documented that. It’s a logical but sociopathic mentality.

Conversely, when we realise that we’re stronger together and act empathetically as a society, every one of us and all of society benefits. When we care for the least of us, crime goes down and we find geniuses who improve life for us all, who would otherwise die in anonymous poverty.

Living like barbarous animals – not rising above the ‘brutality of nature’, as you said – helps sociopaths who take advantage of our better nature to enrich themselves. Indeed, if we structure our society around that, as we have done lately, our society will devolve around the lowest common denominator (people like Musk or Trump).

We can and must do better than that.

1 point

Your comment would have hit much harder as a rejection of cruelty and advocacy for kindness if you haven’t thrown sociopaths under the bus. Most sociopaths are poor people, and they’re all disabled.

53 points

We’re always told the people at the bottom rung of society, the people doing “entry level” jobs just need to work harder and harder to earn a proper living…

But how does that work really? Unlike a lot of high level jobs, none of these jobs just exist for the sake of existing, most of these “entry level” jobs are essential to society (we saw that much during the pandemic).

Somebody has to do them or society just doesn’t work, so don’t the people doing these literally essential jobs deserve to be paid a fair living wage? They’re working just as hard as the people above them, yet they’re paid peanuts in comparison

39 points

I would say most of them are working harder than the people above them.

3 points

Ain’t that the truth.

Id never worked harder than when I was working retail as a HS student. And the worst part is interacting with assholes who thought you were beneath them, which I think it’s what this meme underlines.

was lucky to be well off to get an education which provided a way to land a cushy SW job. Mentally stressful at times sure, but I didn’t have to take shit from somebody and worry if I could afford my next meal. And I see the same ego on the other side here, where people sneer or condescend towards min wage workers.

So many things we take for granted are just down to luck, or lack thereof.

Now I don’t know how it would feel to be wealthy. Where money ceases to be something you need to think about on a day to day basis, but I think that’s when it just becomes a status symbol, and you have to make more only because the Jones bought their 4th yacht, so of course you can’t be seen with less than that! It never ends, and that’s why I think rich-ass capitalists can never have enough, because in their mind the competition never ends and no amount is ever enough.

4 points

They’re working just as hard as the people above them

Woah woah woah, let’s not get out of hand here. We all know they’re working way harder than the people above them.

0 points

only one way… come on lets not do flattery to the capitalist class here

46 points

I said this on Reddit and they agreed that you don’t deserve to be alive if you’re not working, it’s really a disease of the mind to believe this shit.

55 points

I mean it does make sense if you keep in mind that we traded having to hunt and forage for a system that let’s you buy these things indirectly with currency.

You just need to leave out the whole thing of empathy and morality and reduce the whole system to a exchange of goods and services for money.

16 points

There is a difference between believing everyone owes a debt to the society and civilization you participate in to support those who cannot support themselves, and not deserving to live if you didn’t fit into the rigid hierarchy structures we’ve built for work. But often these sentiments get mixed together.

-4 points

I don’t think they do. In our society we don’t really let people die just because they don’t fit in. When there’s someone who can’t take care of their self, we take care of them.

10 points

Where are you talking about and comparing to what? Cause I see a lot of people dying in the streets because of mental illness or drug addiction when I take the subway to work. We don’t throw them away like ancient Sparta but we definitely don’t come close to providing the services they need to the things they need to begin to get off the street. Cause the solution now is put the homeless in prison and that’s going just fine right? …Right?

-3 points

Lmao. What fairy tale society do you live in?

As a selfish conservative you should already know that they are the exact ones who want to steal every single security net from every citizen whilst simultaneously enabling corporations to destroy unions and create monopolies.

I mean c’mon, you have to know this. It’s the core tenet of the traitor supporting party. Thieving, stealing, cheating, and lying are all that the magat traitors have to offer.

10 points

It’s more like you haven’t earned the right for other people to do the work of keeping you alive.

Human life requires work to sustain. Someone has to do that work. The most fair system is one in which that responsibility falls on the person benefitting from it.

ie, to be alive, you must contribute work. Because your life requires work to maintain.

2 points

I’m so torn on this meme because on the one hand I have the same gut reaction of “yeah, but youll die if you don’t do jack shit in the woods, you kind of have to be useful to live”.

But then I think about our society … the billions of dollars going to rich people who do nothing, the millions of people who work in jobs that are useless, or the millions who work jobs that actively harm society, and in that context, the amount and type of work does seem like bullshit. It’s not like going into your marketing firm 5/7 days of your life means a farmer gets to work less. People like to comfort themselves with vain thoughts like ‘we all just gotta do our partfor the system to work’, but that’s objectively not true. Lots of parts of our system are objectively bullshit and are excised completely through new laws and legislation and society keeps working fine, in some cases much better.

6 points

“Earning a living” doesn’t state that people should die if the choose to be a grifter or a thief or some other dishonest person that takes from others and doesn’t contribute to society. It just means those people didn’t earn their living.

In a functional society everyone should contribute to better the society. “Earning a living” is a statement of pride in contributing to society value equal to or greater than the value you get from it. If someone is making a living through dishonest means so isn’t earning a living, it can be something they should be ashamed of

Note that socialist societies have similar expressions like “from each according to their ability to each according to their need”. The intent is the same, encourage people to contribute to society. What if I don’t contribute according to my ability and just want to take what I need? Does that statement imply I’ll be sent to a gulag if I don’t contribute according to my ability? OMG socialism says I don’t deserve to live!!!

2 points

This meme is mainly talking about workers who are worked to death to “earn a living”. Capitalists who leech off of workers do not deserve to be alive.

Of course, that’s not the case for those who are physically unable to work to the same extent as others. Basically, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

We have more than enough resources for everyone, so long as the working class can control the means of production instead of the capitalists who try to hoard all the wealth.

-2 points

I could see why tho. What happens today is not the same as this ideal probably. You could argue that if your a fit, 20s, healthy, etc. and you just sit home all day, your kinda a waste, but then again siting somewhere else 9-5 is also a waste so.

Eh, I can see why would someone think that. There are things that I disagree with more.

36 points

I’m pro unconditional basic income, but I would argue that it’s more about you having to make sure you have everything you need yourself. No one would say to someone who lives completely self-sufficient that he needs “to earn a living”.

31 points

Talking to someone who justifies this kinda shit is always a trip. They’ll say that people who aren’t earning a living wage just need to work harder and pick up a marketable skill to improve their situation. But you can simultaneously get them to agree that many of these low wage “unskilled” jobs need to exist for society to continue functioning, so which fucking is it?

The answer is that the capitalist parasites and their horde of boot lickers believe it’s totally acceptable for there to exist an underclass of human beings born to work until their bodies give out for the enrichment of their superior employer.

They can’t afford to live a dignified life doing the shit I need them to do? That’s fine, just toss 'em into the hole when they stop working and replace them with the next generation.

Honestly man, I’m getting real sick and tired of pretending to be above violent retribution when it comes to these people. My blood fucking boils each and every time I need to look my boss in the eye and pretend to smile as they say farcical shit like “we’re all a family here” or “let us know if there’s anything you need” while paying me exactly the minimum wage and hiring the exact number of employees it takes for them to avoid giving any of us enough hours to qualify for benefits.

Anyway, Stalin had the right idea with gulags, and we should bring those back. Thanks for coming to my TED talk

30 points

This is where the idea of “personal responsibility” is useful for liberals. Flatly admitting that they want a desperate underclass is too mask off for them to feel like good people so they invent a way of blaming individual victims rather than the economic system.

The poor has a theoretical opportunity to pull themselves up by the bootstraps so when they don’t do that it’s really their own fault. Of course that theoretical opportunity doesn’t translate into actual opportunity for most people but that’s fine, as there’s enough window dressing of meritocracy to make the opportunity look real if you are careful not to go into too much detail.

This is also the reason why liberals hate discussing real-world examples. Their logic only works in abstract thought experiments where they get to control the variables. Saying that everyone has the opportunity to succeed is a lot easier than saying that Bob, who has a set of very concrete and undeniable material conditions, has the opportunity succeed.

2 points

Anyway, Stalin had the right idea with gulags, and we should bring those back.

Very edgy. Straight outta 4chan

33 points

lmao this lemmitors comparing Hexbear users to 4channers shit never gets old. When you liberals meet someone far to your left it must really break your brain for you to lump us in with fascists.

You know what I almost never see referred to as edgy out of hand? People who don’t want to fully abolish the US prison system, which to this day kills far more people far more often than the Soviet gulag system did shortly after the end of WW2. And that’s really strange considering the US prison system is designed from the ground up to maintain a pool of slave labor by incarcerating racial minorities on bullshit drug offenses. Personally, I’d much rather prison be used to keep dangerous reactionaries from causing trouble while they’re being reeducated.

3 points

Look mate I don’t live in USA, I have nothing to do with USA. I was commenting on your stupid ass glorification of forced labor camps in soviet shithole

And you clearly don’t seem to have problem with US prison system, only that wrong people are sent there. You’re as full of shit as the people you think you’re criticizing. You’d rather be yelling at people not loving your dear dictators than actually trying to do anything good for the world.


Nah, you’re just being a weenie.

-2 points

You really had to go and ruin it by praising Stalin right there at the end, didn’t you… 🤦‍♀️

(to be clear - eat the fucking rich, but that’s not what gulags are for)

1 point

eat the fucking rich, but that’s not what gulags are for

The “fucking rich” / bourgeois are to be shot, not sent to gulags. That’s for the idiots supporting capitalism.




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