Three years ago, lawyer Jordan van den Berg was an obscure TikTok creator who made videos that mocked real estate agents.
But today the 28-year-old is one of the most high-profile activists in Australia.
Posting under the moniker Purple Pingers, Mr van den Berg has been taking on the nation’s housing crisis by highlighting shocking renting conditions, poor behaviour from landlords, and what he calls government failures.
It is his vigilante-style approach - which includes helping people find vacant homes to squat in, and exposing bad rentals in a public database - that has won over a legion of fans.
Some have dubbed him the Robin Hood of renters.
I’m not sure if Robin Hood fits. He’s not stealing. Either way, fuck predatory landlords.
Found the landlord.
If there is an empty house,and they aren’t doing damage, no harm no foul.
Forcing bad landlords to fix their properties, go for it.
Squatting yeah no. Get the f out
Well, it’s trespassing, but I’d argue it should be a crime to own a house and leave it empty. They should have it rented at least.
You’re an awful person. Stealing is what capitalists use land ownership for.
How is this stealing? At most it’s prohibiting passive income on capital investment.
Stealing is taking someone’s property without permission. That’s what squatting is. By encouraging squatting, this person is encouraging stealing and that makes them an awful person.
The problem here is that you seem to value your own property rights over the right of individuals to have shelter. Sure, it’s not an ideal situation; in an ideal society “squatting” shouldn’t occur, but we live in a society where people are forced to choose between being homeless or squatting in someone’s property. If you think they should forgo their right to shelter to preserve your right to property then you are the awful person.
Given the abstract nature of a lot of the economy these days (which unsurprisingly benefits those with wealth) it’s debatable if it fits to be honest. I would lean more towards yes. They would argue that by exposing bad conditions, helping people lower the cost, causing a rental to go empty, or whatever else means they aren’t getting the money they feel entitled to.
The same kind of arguments are often used when corporations argue that piracy is stealing. All that has happened is an unauthorised copy of a movie/etc had been created. Yet that is called stealing and they try and fine people sometimes thousands more than what a legal copy would cost.
“If this energy was directed to our MPs and senators, maybe there would be sufficient funding and resources to resolve public housing waitlists,” said a spokesperson for the Real Estate Institute of Australia.
This is the most aggravating part of the article for me. This will force policy change way faster than “putting that energy into pushing representatives.” Which is twice removed from the issue.
He’s helping people find shelter, AND he’s causing a huge stir, taking it worldwide, and making news. THIS is the type of direct action that we need.
Less incrementalism, more fucking over landlords and making the ownership class uncomfortable.
Bugging politicians can work, if you’re sufficiently relevant to re-election. This dude has achieved that relevance very well by doing what he’s doing.
Sure, but what this stupid fucking association of landlords or whatever is saying is that he needs to “work within the system.” They mean “write to your representatives, vote, donate to politicians, etc.” It’s complete horseshit. Because that clearly hasn’t worked. They don’t want it to work. These people lobby (read: bribe) to make sure the laws keep shifting in their favor. Which is exactly the point. Citizens trying to influence policy are very limited and removed a few steps from the actual decision making and decision makers. They want it to stay that way, because they get to write laws, lobby directly, spend face-to-face time with these people, call their cell phones because they’re large donors, and the winds are blowing ever harder in their favor. Their power grows exponentially while ours dwindles and we become exponentially LESS powerful as lawmakers become more and more insulated from the people they’re supposed to serve.
The quotes in here were indeed horseshit, but voting and donating (plus volunteering!), at least, work pretty well. I don’t want to pick a fight with you, but sometimes boring is good. Shit, even insurgencies get pretty paperwork-heavy at any kind of scale.
LOL - Reported as “not world news”, where the definition is “news outside the US.”
Being as this is Australia and Australia is outside the US…
Can someone explain all this “everyone is good but straight white men in America” bullshit to me? How is the world “everything but America”? Why is racism anything possibly negative about a race except free range on white people? Why is it that I’m so privileged that I’m not allowed in a homeless shelter in a small town because they’re all living in grants for target minorities/disabilities/women/addicts?
If I didn’t know any better, and I don’t, I’d think the world is playing spades and white Americans are the dealer.
World News should be things that concern the whole world and include things originating from space even!
Can someone explain how you went from “This sub is for news about not America, if you want news about America there’s a whole sub for that” to “straight white men are victims of systemic injustice”?
It seems like there is a step in between, like, “America is the victim of injustice because it isn’t given priority status in the world news sub that has to be distinct because all the other news subs end up being about America.” Some sort of persecution complex?
Can someone explain all this “everyone is good but straight white men in America” bullshit to me?
I think it’s a rather natural reaction to strait white males beeing in power for all of the modern time and therefor beeing the ones that were made to set the rules and, even more importantly, decide what the discourse looks like. Hence the view on women, minorities, non “White” countries, etc is heavily formed by their views.
Can someone explain all this “everyone is good but straight white men in America” bullshit to me?
Yes: when you’ve become accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
Because there are already communities for American news (News) and American politics (Politics), other communities were needed to give non-US centric news room to breathe.
The last thing anyone wants is another community that’s Donald Trump and Elon Musk top to bottom.
There are already communities for news for literally every country. Why is America left out with North Korea to be excluded?
Hopefully it ends up better than it did for friendlyjordies.