Cut hours, added a shit ton more food to make, switched paychecks from every week twice a month, generally fucked up my routine, and of course all with no pay raise. It’s on sight
Yuck mormons 🤮🤮🤮
Mormons are one of the only religious groups that genuinely deserves persecution
As someone who was raised Mormon, fully agree. The Book Of Mormon is like if evangelicals got to write their own bible fan fiction. BoM specifically states that people with darker skin were cursed by God. Being against race mixing is still alive and well in the church.
Reminiscing about being born and raised by my mixed race parents happily enough. I had to learn gradually as an adult how people have (strong) opinions about the race of their partner. And then another layer of brain worms, caring about the race of the partner of people they don’t even know.
For what it’s worth, I’ve been friends with Mormons who were cool and an ex Mormon who fucking owns.
I disagree, they share a lot more with Jewish extremist groups than they do with evangelicals. Insular, extremely hierarchical, rules based. Evangelicals are 100% id, whereas mormons and jewish extremists are a lot more pseudo-rationalists who could recite you 500 pages of “theory” about their madeup bullshit.
mormons in their own internal doctrine also directly compare themselves to the Israelites, name themselves after the Tribes of Israel in the temple and believe they are a chosen, peculiar people who are destined to be persecuted and outside of mainstream society, much like Jewish extremists do. Mormons explicitly reject a bunch of christianity and embrace a neo-Jewish eschatology
I remember hearing Mormons jokingly saying that if the LDS church isn’t true, then it’s Judaism that’s true instead. Like in a common Mormon worldview, Jews are the 2nd closest to “getting it”. Mormons take an almost Islam or Jewish approach to Christ as well, rejecting the trinity, rejecting that Christ is God and instead embracing a godhead where Christ is the literal son of God (like all humans are children of god) and an entirely separate being, and the individual of Jesus was just the eldest and most righteous of God’s children.
Southern baptists and all those crazy Zionist Christians groups are included in this too. Basically most Catholics are ok enough (if they listen to their Pope! And adult converts are suss but whatever). I don’t know enough Eastern Orthodox to have an opinion on them, which might say enough by itself. The goddamn Protestants though, especially American flavors, holy fuck man.
If they’re listening to the Pope they’re going to be amicable to talk with communists in order to lib them up, will be passively tolerant of gay people so long as they stay in their lane, and will burn trans people at the stake for their ‘ugly ideology’.
…And sweep pedophilic abuse under the rug.
It’s so sad that he’s probably objectively the best Pope, pretty low bar the clear.
The goddamn Protestants though, especially American flavors, holy fuck man.
Protestantism is such a wide spectrum ranging from “I only go to church to get married and buried, the priest believes in God so that I don’t have to and if you’re more into it than this then you’re really weird” to "you go to literal hell if you have any fun ever and God also wants you to pet a rattlesnake "
God also wants you to pet a rattlesnake
I feel like I’m pretty familiar with protestants, but can you explain this one?
wrong, there are tons of other predominantly kkkrakkker religions
Death to America
The kkkrackkkerisms of the Mormons are the worst of all mainstream religion
i’d say evangelicals are much worse. less professional, more meanspirited and hatefilled
A long long time ago, perhaps before some here were born (holy fuck), I worked for UPS in their freight division. I mostly drove a forklift, but also did everything else involved in unloading railcar/truck trailers and moving the contents to their next trailer to get to their intended destination. Job sucked shit. No union then. Pay was shit.
Anyway, they had on the job ad and sold it during the “interview” (the real interview was just showing up day 1 and having passed your piss test- everyone got the job because turnover was like 80%) about getting paid every week. I never cared that much, but as I got older and had others jobs I remembered getting paid every week and missed it. It was nice if you worked more hours in a week to then get paid for those hours very quickly. Getting paid every two weeks or even every month only once doesn’t really matter much if your income is very steady, your hours never change, stuff like that since you just budget everything anyway.
But with a more precarious job, and that UPS job certainly was, the weekly pay did matter (we didn’t get paid time off but there were multiple times my friends and I just straight up didn’t show up for a week and then came back- no questions ever asked, lmao. Of course we didn’t get paid, but they needed workers so much they literally never said a word. It was nice for late teens/early 20s). And I know the older guys there liked it too. I can’t imagine in modern times when payments are all automated and fully digital that this cuts costs for them. It just seems like a “no, we do it this way” typical small business owner tyrant activity. UPS managed to give out physical checks on a weekly basis which obviously does have a cost associated. Distributing pay via ACH, to my knowledge, doesn’t have fees associated with it. Maybe there’s some fee banks charge for that depending on how much money and how many recipients, I dunno. Seems unlikely and also negligible if it does exist.
I’m 99% sure the payroll service we use has a monthly subscription to auto-take payroll tax and submit tax forms. Not only could I change my monthly check to weekly if I wanted, I could arbitrarily run payroll. At the end of the year I could then shoot a CSV over to the tax software and the consistency of the payroll has never made a difference for us.
mormons more like MORONS
Track your OT really well!! Twice per month pay periods make it less intuitive to calculate any OT hours.