I don’t go on social media so I don’t really get it but I have seen memes here and there of women getting mauled by bears presented in a “heh, serves her right” kind of way.
So weird that dudes complain that they can’t get women when the message they put out there is they hate women and make images of them being brutally mauled.
EDIT: I did not expect to see people I trust minimise SA here. I’m disappointed, that’s something I expect from a random chud blowing in from another instance, not you guys. Most of you were extremely cool in your answers, but to the one or two that weren’t. Do fucking better.
There was a hypothetical about women’s safety, leading to women explaining why they would feel safer encountering a bear in the forest than a man they didn’t know.
It’s a TikTok thing. Hypothetically, would the woman being asked rather cross paths with a man she doesn’t know in the woods, or a bear? Lots of women pick bear, because as an animal its behavior is more predictable and arguably less dangerous to a woman than some random dude who for all she knows is a serial murdering rapist or some shit. And think of it this way: you see a bear in the distance and calmly walk the other way, most of the time you’ll be fine. It won’t follow you back to the parking lot, and then get into a car of its own and follow you back to your apartment.
Some men are upset by this reasoning and instead try to mansplain how dangerous bears are. (Bears will also not send you aggressive messages on social media berating you for some stupid TikTok meme bullshit)
So basically the offended men made a bunch of violent memes that kind of prove the women right lmao. Doesn’t take much for some misogynists to get weirdly aggressive.
(Bears will also not send you aggressive messages on social media berating you for some stupid TikTok meme bullshit)
I’ve heard enough of my friends’ Grindr experiences to know that this isn’t true.
I get your point generally, and I agree generally, but women are taught and conditioned to be particularly cautious around men since very young due to the fact that men are the most dangerous facet of daily life to women. And if you’re in some remote place, like a hiking trail where you’re alone, then that may understandably heighten fears.
Doesn’t necessarily have to be a professional serial killer but some guy could very plausibly kill a woman on a trail just because he got angry that she turned him down or maybe because she told him that in response to the meme she said she’d rather pass a bear.
In short, a woman wrote a piece in which she asks several of her woman friends, if they were alone in the woods, whether they’d rather run into a man or a bear. The majority chose the bear.
when women
it’s been a few years, time to rehash not all men -> yes all women
I mean, yeah I don’t want to say that all men are like that, but damn it seems pervasive enough to be concerning.
Edit: lol wait I just got what you’re saying, damn I’m dumb