Meta Platforms. X Corp. tell me those aren’t straight from a strangely prescient cyberpunk classic
You didn’t mention Facebook? That’s super dystopian to me. What’s a face book if not a large collection of identities being monitored?
It sounds like a cursed item in D&D or something.
The Book of Faces Wondrous Item, very rare
This enchanted tome magically records the likeness each humanoid slain in its vicinity, preserving a snapshot of their life and memories. The book can be read to glean superficial information about it’s subjects. As an action, you can tear a page from the book to summon a ghostly spirit of its subject, which will be magically compelled to answer questions. The spirit knows nothing the owner did not know in life.
The Demon Lord Elgor Ithym is said to have a keen interest in this book…
Art creates the future. Whatever we envision we steer ourselves toward, consciously or unconsciously. A vision has gravity, and pulls people toward it. The more a vision is etched into people’s minds, the more likely we will live it.
I’m convinced Apple’s overall aesthetic is based on Star Trek: TNG. Or at least it was for a phase, until we got bored with it and took it even further.
Nah, calling the visions of aging tech bros on HRT art is a stretch too far.
They’re talking about the visions of sci-fi authors, filmmakers, and artists. The tech Bros are the ones being drawn towards those artists’ visions.
Nah, it mostly sucks to have watched the tech bro crowd take something wonderful, that bemefited everyone and twist it into personal profit streams devoid of any soul and/or humanity.
I know those types are going to destroy us all, but everyone sucks so just let the bad times roll. Then the heads will follow. Rolling on the floor.
I still think it’s hilarious that Facebook renamed to Meta, and anything they did with the “metaverse” was a huge failure. It’s like they didn’t learn their lesson from Second Life.
Second Life isn’t owned by Meta. And just by the amount of money Second Life earned, and somehow still earns to this day, it was a pretty huge success. The only real success in the “virtual world” field. It’s not surprising somebody else would try to emulate that success.
I think the confusion begins with your statement that Meta didn’t “learn their lesson from Second Life.” What’s the lesson they should have learned? Why should Meta have learned a lesson from something they didn’t own?
They should have learned a lesson from Second Life. It was so much graphically better, more sophisticated and immersive even in 2d .
Users had a world where they could build, interact, buy land, make, buy, sell items and art, go to concerts, have virtual sex, attend classes, build a castle , explore, etc, etc. It would have been awesome in 3d.
This was like 20 years ago! Meta had such an opportunity there but instead had half avatars and chat rooms. It sucked.
A lot of it comes down to the Quest processors as they are just not very powerful. It had to be backwards comparable with the 835 Snapdragon processor form the Quest 1 and that is a 2016 processor. Makes senses it was so basic as they wanted to have many avatars on screen at once so things had the get cut…like legs. Ahahahaha.
I am not defending Meta, but just stating the facts and one of those facts is Zuck has said this is a long game and that it will be at least a decade before the Metaverse becomes something half compelling. I agree with that assessment. It is just not there today, but it will be.
The meta rebranding made my skin craw. The X rebranding is dumb on Elon Musk’s part. However you make a good point.
I believe Apple got its name from the biblical term of the forbidden fruit. Microsoft has a megacorp sounding name. Will Amazon rename itself to something dystopian?
Fuck I hadn’t thought about it.