Is this the current version of that game? is the 100% science lady involved in this?
I can’t think of any FOSS games that would invite an idea guy to drive the project. They’re made of volunteers, sure, but FOSS game teams still expect tangible contributions. Otherwise it’s just another feature request and will get picked up if the team thinks it’s worth it.
More specifically with FOSS projects, whoever puts in the work makes the actual decisions.
Like, if there’s a change that one person wants and the others actively disagree with (and it can’t be made configurable either), then that won’t happen.
But usually, there’s hundreds of features that make sense in principle. And if someone scratches their own itch, i.e. implements the feature that they’re missing, then that obviously won’t be rejected, even if it’s not the most requested feature.
So, yeah, such an idea guy would need really good ideas and present them so well, that others selfishly want to implement those ideas (and moreso than all their other ideas).
Oh god have had people try this exact thing with me before.
I got asked by a team of first timers who have never done any professional coding or design if I wanted to chip in on a competitive MMOFPS they want to make.
That’s not going to happen. Between the rise of cheating, the insane hardware and optimization requirements of an MMOFPS, the general lack of interest in the genre (most have died due to low player counts), and the sheer amount of time and effort involved in designing and balancing the game even after it’s largely feature complete? Forget it, I’m better off buying lottery tickets than hoping for anything to come of that.
Me fr
It’s got some real scientifically based dragons vibes.