I just remembered this, I can open my eyelids and look in a direction where only the whites of my eyes are visible. Apparently it’s very creepy
Psssshhhhhh, look at this guy, existing! Not like the rest of us simulated humans! Buy ovaltine! Just sitting around in society. Pretending to exist, so we can slip subtle advertising into daily conversations. Buy ovaltime! Bet you didn’t realize that we’re all in the matrix, and your entire purpose for existance is to be made to be miserable. Currency is worthless outside the matrix. We’re only doing this to make all in the matrix suffer!!!
Mwahahahaha!!! Thats my evil laugh! Do you like it?
Fall asleep standing
I can rotate one finger at one direction and the other on the opposite direction while pointing one to another, simultaneously. I don’t know how uncommon it is but, back at high school, no one else in my class could do it. Totally unuseful skill.
My fingers don’t rotate unless you count wrist involvement, so I’m a little confused by what you’re describing.
If I’m understanding your description correctly (the image didn’t come through), I can do this too! I heard once as a kid it was impossible and I refused to accept that, so I practiced until I could do it.
Rephrasing to see if we’re talking about the same thing: I can point my fingers towards each other in front of me, then circle one hand away from myself and the other towards myself, and continue looping them in opposite directions. Most people can do it for 1-2 loops, but then end up moving both fingers in the same direction.
I can hum and whistle at the same time. Makes me sound kinda like a Theremin
Lol I just tried that to see how it works.
It’s hard because if you close your lips too much to whistle it restricts the airflow and kills the hum.