Europeans literally see no irony in throwing shade at Americans for hanging onto their traditional measurement system, while also speaking 27 different languages in the span of a few hundred miles.
Maybe come down off your high horse until you get that situation sorted, eh? >.>
Edit: Oops, I thought it would be safe to make a joke a in a meme thread.
Whenever I post something on the internet, I do so in English, since that’s a language most people on this world speak. I’d love it if Americans did the same with measurements when writing down recipes on the internet. I’m sorry for this offensive opinion.
Als ge liever wilt, kan ik het ook in het Nederlands doen. Op het internet spreek ik over het algemeen Engels, aangezien dat een taal is die nagenoeg iedereen spreekt. Ik zou het vree tof vinden als Amerikanen dat ook zouden doen met maten en gewichten in hun recepten. Sorry om zo kort van antwoord te zijn.
The whole world uses both for various things. Even the countries that “officially” use metric. Specific global industries still use imperial. Canadian and British people are perhaps the most famous for combining the two, but most of Europe also mixes things in here and there.
And of course the whole conversation is Euro-centric and ignores the historical use of traditional measurement systems in Africa and Asia, but somehow that never gets brought up.
Yeah TVs/screens for example are typically in inches anywhere I’ve seen. There might also be the metric listed.
It makes sense as an Inch is a good measurement for that. You aren’t going to use mm or meters
They are indeed usually in inches but that’s probably bleeding back to Europe from the US. And most people don’t actually know how much that would be in metric. It’s sometimes listed but no one I know actually uses those numbers. We just know that 65 is bigger than 55, etc. If we want to know if it fits in our living rooms, then we look at the actual size in cm. I also couldn’t think of anything else that’s imperial, at least here in Germany.
It’s a diagonal measurement so it’s literally only useful for comparing screens.
Rims are also commonly referred to in inches, at least in germany. But just as with screen sizes, it’s 50/50 with cm, the latter being more useful especially with screens.
as an European, MPH seens better.
What are you talking about with the weed? It’s sold in pounds, ounces, quarter ounces and “half quarters” which is as ridiculously un-metric as it gets.
Sold in grams for small amounts, then back to Imperial for larger amounts.
I don’t think I’ve seen a gram for sale since legalization. I see pre-rolls and half-quarters. Weighed in grams but packaged in imperial.
My theory on this is we use the imperial weights when describing the size in relation to the jail time associated with getting caught with it and then switch to metric for personal use.
fucking go to space
There was that one time where a NASA mission was ruined because they used the wrong units