Ayo the car thing is absolute bullshit.
10mm bolt for the fuckin brake caliper but 3/8 for the fuckin slide bolts?
Get the fuck outta here
Don’t know what car you’re driving but I think you’re just using the wrong size wrench/Allen key
My last car was a 2012 ford fiesta. The lug nuts are 19mm. The caliper bolts were 10mm and the slide bolts were 3/8.
The car before that was a 2001 cavalier. Not only did it have metric and standard bolts but the slide bolts were fuckin Allen heads.
Like literally why?
Probably because they were made by American car manufacturers and couldn’t make a logical or consistent design decision if their lives depended on it.
Don’t forget the most important US measurements of them all: 5.56, 7.62, 9, etc.
.308 is 7.62, civilian measurement vs military (there’s actually implications related to pressures, sidewall thicknesses, machining tolerances, but yeah same same)
Yeah, it’s generally safe to shoot 7.62 from a 308-chambered gun, but not the other way around.
Also, the imperial system is defined through the metric system.
In using imperial, you’re just using metric with extra steps.
My goto phrase when I want to troll people: “The creators of python called it that because they wanted a name that started with P, as a nod to its predecessor, Perl.”
It’s not exactly Ken M level, but post that anywhere and the amount of angry futile typing can faintly be heard around the world as other geeks start fuming.
The Imperial system is not defined though the metric system, the US Customary system is.
Your statement is incorrect
Since the Weights and Measures Act 1985, British law defines base imperial units in terms of their metric equivalent.
Supplemental article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_yard_and_pound
In the UK, weed is measured in authentic receding British imperial units where an ounce weighs one less gram every year.
The army uses metric almost exclusively. It’s where I learned it.
I think the main problem US people have with metric is their aversion to anything that has more than two syllables.
Far worse: It’s laziness.
I was teaching a friend how to make ravioli (yes, really) from the class I took while over in Italy. I bring my scale to measure the dough and the first thing she does is use the scale to get the right measurements and then, scrapes the contents into an imperial measuring cup. Worse, she was totally pissed when the semolina was not a perfect match to the 00 flour (mass and all that).
She is a tried and true American. She just wants to whip out her 1 cup without measuring weight and can’t fathom why the dough just “wasn’t like I taught her”.
By the way, the super secret Italian recipe is this: Ingredients per 2 people (spaghetti or tagliatelle) 100 grams total of: 50% white superfine flour 50% semolina Add 1 egg per 100 grams of flour
For ravioli, you want more superfine (00) flour so the pasta sticks together better. So like above, 100 grams total of: 60% superfine flour 40% semolina
Add 1 egg per 100 grams of flour.
Except in electronics. Everything is still .1 inch headers. We invented too many electronics and it’s stuck now.