Nothing could possibly benefit that company as much as Elon Musk getting demotivated and no longer coming in to work.
Tesla getting a new CEO is the only way Tesla is going to win back the demographics that Musk chased away acting like a dumb toddler.
I don’t think you understand just how upset he’s going to be if he doesn’t get 46 billion.
Save $46 billion and have musk leave? Thats win-win if I’ve ever seen it.
If the stock wasn’t so overly valued based on Musk-lies I’d agree, but I think they’re in trouble either way.
Musk knows something unrelated that’s gonna bring down Teslas stock and this is how he’s gonna exploit it?
My money out on a major state banning the cyber truck after it Julians a pedestrian.
I know that a normal car with sharp protruding bodywork/rust holes, wouldn’t pass the safety inspection in at least the 2 New England states I’ve owned cars in.
I could see CA and the rest of the west coast banning their sales first, or requiring so much rework that they aren’t viable cars there.
Grab 5 of the top engineers, sales people, and marketing at the company, double their pay, and grant them a $1,000,000,000 bonus in 5 years time if they beat certain performance metrics. Have them sit on a board as coCEOs and watch true motivation. Kick out the guy that’s demanding 3 times your annual income as “motivational” compensation.
I remember when Bill Gates was the richest person on the planet with $45 billion total and it was covered in all the news. Things have gone more out of control than anyone could’ve imagined.