We are so back
Meh. I was really hoping they’d go back to the sci-fi aesthetic of 2016 but instead they’ve doubled down on the weird high fantasy with guns thing.
It’s like they actually wanted to reboot Heretic/Hexen but they couldn’t get the license for it so they’ve just shoehorned it into Doom instead.
Sorry it’s not going in the direction you hoped. I’m personally super into this vibe. Feels bizarre and different. Hopefully they capitalize on the theme and do something cool with it. If the “dragon” flight part is as tight and fun as recent Doom mechanics, it could be really fun.
Agreed. I am not a fantasy fan for games really at all (with very few exceptions) but this looks so rad. The combination of tech and fantasy looks like a wild ride.
To me it feels like they’re leaning into more of a Quake 1 aesthetic, which I really like.
Funnily enough I never really liked that the quake sequels doubled down on the sci-fi so hard.
Yeah i really prefer the lovecraft aesthetic of Quake 1 over the tech, body horror of the sequels. Science coming into contact with something that defies science and reason is one of my favorite genres of fiction. The Myst, Event Horizon, Doom (especially Doom 3,) and the newest Rimworld dlc all really scratch that itch of coming into contact with something outside of reality, outside of reason and understanding. Really wish for more of that.
Isn’t that basically Dusk?
Anyone remember when Doomguy was a Space Marine?
Yeah, the gameplay looks awesome. But the story seems dumb. But then again Doom did come from a dungeons and dragons campaign.
In the end the gameplay has always been the more important part of the Doom games.
Reboot Doomguy hasn’t been a space marine for almost a decade now. He’s always been a Titan sent by gods.
That skull crushing weapon is so satisfying to watch.
Judging from the trailer it looks like we will see more open arenas. Good to see they won’t try to make a repeat of Eternal and instead try new ideas. Looking forward to see how it plays out.
Speaking of not repeating Eternal, I didn’t see the chainsaw or any colorful pickups dropping from enemies, which is nice.
Once it started showing off the shield, it stopped looking like Doom and started looking like a first-person Rygar game.
I liked the gun that crushes up and shoots skulls tho. That’s metal as fuck. But God damn do I wish they would truly go back to the roots of Doom with the labrynthine map design instead of the linear arenas.
And no monster piñatas. And no trap rooms. And no pointless upgrades. And no nausea-inducing jumping puzzles.
Classic doom, pretty graphics, crazy weapons, new monsters, and steal music from 90s hard rock and heavy metal again.
And no nausea-inducing jumping puzzles
I take it you’re not a Rise of the Triad fan. 😆
Something that I think doom 2016 and doom eternal failed spectacularly in for me is enemy counts. I wanna open a closet and be greeted by 40 revenants, 30 Chaingunners and 30 Barons. Gimme that Plutonia experience.
For sure Mick Gordon esque music but definitely not him, it’s missing his specific touch
The difference in music between Eternal and Ancient Gods was too big for me. I didn’t feel compelled to play the Ancient Gods at all, instead just replayed Eternal.