

2 posts • 106 comments
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This is really awesome — open source allows for auditing. Not great that there are vulnerabilities, but these vulnerabilities also exist (and possibly more) in closed source software that doesn’t get audited to be fixed, just exploited. Hopefully these get patched soon!


This is such a bad look for Apple. Like we get it, you’re a trillion dollar dragon sitting on your horde. But like, dude, innovate instead of sitting there. You shouldn’t be afraid of side loading. Steam has shown that if your experience is the best, you can do fine. Apple just realizes they wouldn’t have the best App Store experience and would lose revenue. Tough shit.


Really feels like Israel is trying to do the old Russian misinformation game even on Lemmy these days to try and suppress blue votes on a single wedge issue because they know it’s the only way to get Trump elected and get more guns and bombs than they’re already getting, and they wouldn’t get pushback at all for Rafah or any warnings of any sort, just a blank check for wanton genocide.

Like I don’t like what’s happening in Palestine, but I don’t want to make it worse by pretending a non vote would somehow help them. Helping them would be ensuring that the party least likely to enable Israel the most is elected. That’s Joe Biden. Some people have ridiculous nicknames for him but my god wait until they make this look like restraint if Trump gets elected. Palestine would cease to exist almost immediately and Israel will de facto annex it, like Russia is trying to do in Ukraine.

So really you can vote to minimize the pain and suffering of Palestinians or you can not vote to minimize the pain and suffering of Palestinians. Personally I’m gonna vote to minimize the pain and suffering of Palestinians, and also support the environment (again not to the degree I desire), and support abortion access, and trans rights, and taxes for the wealthiest Americans, and, the list goes on, but yeah, I’m gonna vote for Joe Biden.


Fish don’t really swim, they are flying through the water.


MultiLogin is a Chromium feature that can be abused to compromise a user’s Google account. The “bug” was unveiled by a malware developer known as PRISMA in October 2023. The cyber-criminal shared details about a critical exploit designed to generate persistent cookies for “continuous” access to Google services, even after a user’s password reset.

Oof. Another good reason to use Firefox I guess?


This is somewhat misleading. According to that Wikipedia page, just using the US estimates, Ukraine has had 70k deaths and Russia has had 120k+. While these are similar in that they both round to 100k perhaps, Russia has almost double the Ukrainian military personnel losses.

War is miserable, but I don’t think Ukraine is losing military personnel by nearly the same clip that Russia is.


We need to start poisoning this data. I don’t think the solution is to cut the wires, I think it’s to send bogus data. Just make it so that no matter how I drive, the data is always overwritten that I traveled 5 miles at 30mph average with no hard stops and no hard accelerations. I only ever make that trip. Wanna base my insurance off that? Go for it.

Anyways I lack the technical ability to do this, but wonder if some enterprising person could hack the obd to constantly overwrite the data here.

Again I want to poison this data. It should be illegal, but it’s not. Companies will charge me more if I block it. So the solution is data poisoning imo.

Incidentally we need to be poisoning ALL data brokers and collectors for these types of things.



Nature article.

It should be punishable by fine for science journalists to write about a science paper without citing the paper — I couldn’t find it linked anywhere in the article but do have some content blockers so perhaps it was just hidden by those. At any rate, interesting findings.


What Israel does is as you described. But can we please not use whataboutism to try and justify barbaric behavior? This is grotesque. Things done to Palestine are grotesque. Let’s just call evil things evil and not try and say “hey cause someone else did an evil this evil is okay.”
