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You should donate Blood


Fizz-ics is described by the Navier-Stokes-Equation and actually one of the hardest Problems in physics as a whole.


I think I’m general you are right, the south is more Conservative. This ist probably because the south is rich. Most Money in Germany is produced in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg (where I live) and Hesse. They cling to their money very badly, hence the conservative mindset. That being said, there are very progressive hotspots. The Capitals for example (Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart) are very open for differing views and Social political ideas. But you can go even better. If you look for City’s with high Student concentrations you go more and more left. I am from Tübingen and this place hates conservatives. Anti LGBTQ Ideas must fear for ther physical protection. The same thing will be true in Freiburg and Konstanz in BW but I am sure there are places in the other two country’s aswell. Can you give us an estimate where to go and how progressive the people should be? Then we will a place, I am sure.


I really dont get why you are dooing this. Instead of painting somthing of your own you are destroing what others do. Instead of having a political view you are just forbidding others theirs. And for that you are even braking the rules with mutiple accounts. We could be working together here but your contribution ist just bad moods. Just let people live man.


It’s me and my friends. Please just reconsider your choices. You could add something beatiful and time is running out. But instead you are making your own rules of beeing not political (what is strange considering that like 30% of the space is already VERY political) and destroing the work of others. You are not fighting fire with fire. You are fighting a flower with mud. And for no reason aswell considering that there are like 500 people and half of the space is still virgin.


Are you so easily indoctrinated that this ist a problem? This thing in overfull with ideology. There ist Marx for example. If you dont knowVolt, please look it up. The basic postulate is that we should work together as the European Union and not just focus on our own interests. Thats also why you are so alone in this fight. Like LGBTQ - that ist like a quater of the canvas - all we say ist that we should value the interests of our neighbors as high as our own. This is also the reason why we are painting on vigin space and try not to influence any other painting.

There is so much free space and you are taking so much time to keep it free. If you want a blank canvas just open notepad.


Breaking the rules of an open project to protect others fron dangerous indoctrination? Dont you see that is is you who is forcing his worldview on others?

This ist an community project. If you want only things with very wask reason to be shared this whole thing is obsolete. Place IS political. Your hate on symbols that could in the end fight the real fights for all these good things like LGBTQ just undermines the reason for community projects as a whole. Do your have anithing you want to see in the world? Then paint it. For the better!


Two reasons:

  1. There are long term plans to legalize it. Currently it may be against International Law so it will take a while until it can be opened for all. The first action will be scientific observed modell citys.
  2. The decriminalisation will aim to destroy the black market. This is done by allowing social clubs than can grow their own plants and hand their members up to 50 Gramms. That is a lot and the implicite idea is that this amount will also allow a bit of interchange without being enough to drive a illegal business.

Die zu Gründen wird ganz schön Arbeit weil du selbst für die Sicherheit deiner angebauten Pflanzen sorgen muss und etwas Personal brauchst, z.B. für einen Jugendschutzbeauftragten. Der Hanfverband gründet sich neu um als Dachverband für viele kleine Social Clubs fungieren zu können. Du hast bestimmt einen im deiner Nähe. Ich werde jedenfalls einfach in einem davon Mitglied werden.


I’m on Ubuntu. A week ago I had to look up how to use a python script. I wouldn’t even hide porn that much.
