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Currently using and have used the Niagra launcher for years. To me, ease of use and getting to the apps I need quickly and efficiently is the most important thing about a launcher. I’ve tried many of the “minimalistic” launchers over time, and this is the only one that truly felt useful. I’d highly recommend it to people who just use their phone as an app launcher, as opposed to having a bunch of widgets on the homescreen or something.


I think an important thing to note is that he is right in pointing out that his channel was always for people that can move, explaining why you would want to and why he did. The problem is, you finish doing that at some point, and it trails off into “let’s complain about cars”. There was a video that stuck out to me, where his tone was very harsh and unwelcoming to those who might disagree with him. In the comments, he said something along the lines of “If you find “my tone too harsh” don’t watch the videos or deal with it” although I think with more curse words, I don’t remember exactly.

I think that’s a horrible perspective that he’s moved into. As a rather progressive person, including in this topic of conversation, his older videos were a well-measured perspective that I could send to my (rather conservative) family in hopes that they’d understand where he (and I) was coming from. Now, as much as I want to say I like his content and am a fan just because I usually agree with him, he sounds more like a bitter old man complaining in a way that’s not going to do anything other than make people who already agree with him feel good, certainly not bring people who don’t over to his side or help them understand his perspective. It’s all very disappointing.

As far as whether it’s “possible” to “fix” North America… I don’t think it matters all that much as far as affecting our actions. Whether the things we’re doing take hold in 10 years, or 60, or 100, we should start and continue as soon as possible. Being cynical about it, while maybe not being wrong, I don’t know, just seems… useless.


I’m not super up to date with the situation—Why is it that it happened in 2021 (from what I can find) and there’s a bunch of people talking about it right now?


Tried Jerboa… wasn’t a huge fan, now I’m using Connect


For anyone who doesn’t want a rice cooker but can’t find a good basic white rice recipe: Put rice and water in a pot (1 cup rice to 1.5 cup water. People will tell you 2 cups water, punch them, or ignore them, your choice.) Turn it on high until it boils, stirring lightly occasionally to stop it from sticking. As soon as it starts boiling (not simmering) cover it with a lid and turn on low. Keep covered until it’s done (just taste it to test if it’s done.)

P.S. You can add whatever seasonings you want if you find something good online or something. It’s not important to actually cooking the rice.


Went to my first concert recently—I loved it, but immediately knew I should have bought a pair of these.


If you live in America, there are certainly a lot of things to consider on this point; mainly whether cycling in your area is even safe—obviously the ideal solution would be to move to an area with safer cycling, but that’s not an option for everyone—and I’d much rather someone not cycle than die because their area has horrible roads for cycling and they didn’t think about that. Check the safety of your area, and consider moving to a safer area for cycling if necessary (Or if you’re in it for the long haul, consider pitching in the community and trying to lead it towards a safer cycling future)


I generally think the Cloud is popular for a reason—it has different benefits and downsides to local storage and should be considered separate, as they have different purposes. Now if you’re talking about a company forcing you to use their cloud when you don’t need to, that’s different. But there’s no denying it’s useful for the specific use cases.


AAA companies: Makes bad game and releases apology promising to make good games now

Also AAA companies: We are not capable of making good games, stop expecting to much.


As far as Ubers, I’m happy to pay them as much as taxis in tips at least — the people driving them are hard working people who could use it.

But dang, there’s lots of streaming services. The new rise of piracy is not surprising.
