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Just got started an hour ago and loving it so far, as a boost user I felt right at home.


The first time I’ve “pre-ordered” an app on the play store. Loved boost for reddit, during the blackout I started the rocket one last time and deleted it. Super excited to get it back, thanks for all the work!


Interesting, never heard that, got a tip where I can read more about that?


Everytime Kissinger is mentioned I have to think of this Anthony Bourdain quote:

“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”

Bourdain is dead and that shit stain Kissinger is now over 100 years old. The world is not fair.


It’s impossible to prove a negative, you simply can not prove that something ISN’T there. It’s such a transparent deflection and you know that, it’s a common conspiracy tactic, dishonest argument 101.

As long as there is no physical evidence that proves the existence of extra terrestrial UFO we have to assume that they are not real. So if you want to maintain they exist, you’ll have to cough up some proof.


Another dishonest tactic - deflecting to an unimportant part of the argument to hold up the participant with needless explanations for metaphorical concepts.

What the other user meant is that all we know about space travel is, that we need a lot of protective layers around our crafts just for leaving the atmosphere, so one would assume that craft that supposedly travel hundreds of light-years would need a very sophisticated kind of protection. But there is no way to deliver evidence to a theoretical concept, hence why I said your arguing is in bad faith my dear.

edit: and now he takes the cowards way out of a failing argument by deleting his comments. That’s another tactic - ending the conversation, rendering all our arguments worthless and essential wasting our time. Jean Paul Sartre described it well in his quote about anti semitism.


I read Solaris recently and was genuinely blown away.

Stanislaw Lem was a genius. I recommend also ‘Fiasko’. ‘Ichon Tyhchy’ is also great, it’s a collection of humoristic sci-fi short stories. I’ve been contemplating learning polish just to be able to read Lem, it’s been said a lot of his word play gets lost in translation. Although I have to admit the descriptions of the geometrical forms in the ocean in Solaris where just too much and I skipped those pages entirely.


Meine ehemalige Kompanie wurde Mal von der Feuerwehr um Hilfe bei der Suche nach einem verwirrten Senioren, der über Nacht aus einem Altenheim verschwunden war, gebeten. In der Gegend gab es vorwiegend Maisfelder, die mussten mit langen Menschenketten abgelaufen werden. Als Ausbildungskompanie hatten wir halt knapp 200 Leute die mit 30 Minuten Vorwarnzeit Mal eben mobilisiert werden konnten, gerade im ländlichen Raum kann keine andere Organisation das stemmen. Der gesuchte Herr konnte dennoch leider nur Tot geborgen werden.

Zur gleichen Zeit wurde auch das First responder Programm geschaffen, Sanitätsdienstliche Amtshilfe im ländlichen Raum um die Reaktionszeiten bei Notfällen zu verkürzen. Als Lazarett Regiment war natürlich das Fachpersonal vor Ort und konnte den “blinden Fleck” gut abdecken, bis die eigentlichen Rettungskräfte eintrafen.

Es gab glaube ich eine Vorfall in der Gegend wo ein Rettungswagen auf dem Weg zu einem Einsatz verunglückt war und für einen Unfallteilnehmer kam die dann Hilfe zu spät, obwohl wenige Kilometer entfernt einige hundert Sanitäter, mehrere Dutzend Rettungsassistenten und eine Handvoll Ärzte nichts ahnend ihren Dienst taten. Seitdem gab es dann eine spezielle First responder Abteilung in unserer Kaserne.
