smash bros ult chess homelab/selfhosting accountant
My God. Is that seriously how he dresses himself? How am I supposed to take him seriously? This is what cringe middle schoolers thought was cool when I was in school.
Hi, just joined today. Already love it! I somehow get more interaction on here than I do on reddit.
Definitely looking forward to small communities again.
Fun little project. Sure it is probably impractical, but you decided to try out an idea you had.
Honestly that’s exactly what I come to the internet for, to see little personal projects. Who cares if they work or not.
I am sure you were at least entertained through the cold, and that is something a heater would not of done.
I used https://kiwix.org/en/ to download wikipedia originally.
Then I saw in the desktop app that you can download a lot more “wikis” other than wikipedia. This is their library. https://library.kiwix.org/#lang=eng
It includes computers, phones, game consoles, appliances, vehicles, tools, even medical devices and apparel.
Okay this is so fucking cool.
My partner and I have played 4 hours so far. It is definitely a good game, feels smooth platforming wise. Also isn’t ‘easy’ (casual gamer standards) since it has a lot of different types of gameplay that they throw at you and makes you think on your feet. For instance, my partner (who is a gamer, but only for certain genres) had trouble with flying/driving in some sections.
So far a 5/5 game. I did come across some bugs, but nothing annoying or game breaking. Just funny ‘hiccups’ like sticking to objects that can be fixed by just button mashing or something.
Its a good lesson to teach kids, because human’s first instincts is to always judge and believe first impressions. This is obviously not a good outlook on life and will lead to issues and unnecessary conflict.
But yeah it is kind of bullshit once you are able to understand that first impressions CAN be wrong.
Also, children don’t dress themselves usually. So the advise is definitely more relevant as a child than an adult working retail.
And honestly the OP should have a 95% accuracy if they are seasoned in retail. As a former retail worker, those skills were ingrained after the first month working there. It is actually baffling how easy it is.
Elon Musk will go down in history as THE EXAMPLE of greed and generational wealth will do to you.
He is the wealthiest man in history, but is still never satisfied. He will never be happy. And you can’t convince me he is happy right now. His actions are not the same as a happy man, but one that is insecure. Literally every decision, action, and even conversation reeks of it.
Who cares what the cause of the behavior is? It is unacceptable.
That should be enough. No need to even try to explain of empathize with it.
But it is telling that the richest man in the history of mankind acts like this. People should see that wealth does not equate to strength, intelligence, good politics, etc. But instead people see wealth as a way to get away with anything they want, even if it is completely embarrassing stuff that no one with self respect would even think about.
ifixit is such a wonderful company. I downloaded all their repair manuals so I should be able to repair ‘anything’. And it does seem to be everything.
I love that they are still adding more resources for the general public. An actual ethical company imo. But please let me know if there is some controversy I am not aware of.