Yeah, this season will be a test for her for sure. It’s like when she realized her new PMDD content didn’t actually work with her need to constantly travel and go to events to escape her dull self. When she realized PMDD meant she had to fake it once a month she dropped it.
Zoom in if you can - an Indigenious woman is performing and look at Sarah - not paying attention at all, on her phone. What a jerk!
I am sometimes a little overwhelmed with the disgust I feel when she acts like this. She has her older kids 50% of the time and very often flippantly chooses to travel “for work”, like she did this week, all for her own glory. Did she miss M then?!
I wonder what happened to Sarah when she left home?!
Her face this week, her smug high feeling face from her big Reno and all her free stuff. Gosh she is the worst of us. Never cares about another person if it doesn’t serve her image. As a woman I LOVE to see other woman win but Sarah is such a lying asshole. She’s won in the stuff category but she is a dark empty void of a woman!
All we need are a bunch of Shine influencers telling us to vote. Loser ignorant non contributing members of society. They would never want to alienate followers so I know they won’t talk about why we should vote or the issues at hand. I’d put money on them not being able to expand for even 30 seconds on the “go vote” conversation.
Did NFL Canada just send these two? They are only sharing Sarah’s posts on their insta. I feel like Sarah and Shine came up with this idea and pitched it. Who at the NFL would think, “Hey this influencer only got a million dollar cottage and are renovating their whole house - let’s give them an anniversary trip, people will love it!” This trip isn’t influencing or exposure it’s privilege and bragging.
The make up, fine. This fucking “filled our freezer” post is disgusting. So many families could use that food 😕. She can have her freebies but bragging about gifted food when she has all the money she could ever need to feed her family.
Hey friends!! I know our numbers are not has big here as our group once was but I love you all. I was in the Reddit snark when we were under 500 and I appreciate you all!! It’s World Mental Health day - an important day to me - but the past few years I have felt disgusted as every influencer with perfect profile photos and the most idiotic traumas use today to be “relatable” or “real”. It’s so gross seeing their posts complaining about everyday shit like folding the laundry or watching TV in the middle of the day.
Whatever you’re struggling with I hope you all feel seen, supported and loved. If not - find it, find someone to help you find it. If you’re feeling heavy today I hope you know you are a real WOW - worthy and fuckin important.
On my snark note our B Sarah is so self observed in France that she forgot skinsuits birthday and to play her mental heath card. Influencer priorities - just tuck stuff away until it’s convenient!