The ratchet effect is real and people should abandon both parties.
That being said there was 0% chance someone besides a D or R would win the 2024 election, so D was the objectively correct choice for anyone who isn’t rich.
That being said the protest voters didn’t actually impact the election in a meaningful way, and the insane pushback against them now is part of a propaganda campaign to keep the poors fighting.
Most Americans align closer with progressives than any other group when it comes to policy. But messaging has been coopted by the Republicans to make people instinctively hate “socialism” because of the Red Scare Propaganda.
But Democrats block progressive policy because it makes their donors angry.
So really there’s nobody willing to represent the majority
Americans are impoverished and uneducated, Democrats are not, but they should be fucking smart enough to know you can’t use big words or complicated ideas with poor, distrqcted, and uneducated people.
You force through policies that put money in their pockets, that tangibly improve their lives, or you piss them off even more and give them a minority to attack as a distraction from your lack of policy.
The Republicans understand this.
This is how you appeal to the impoverished and uneducated, and that will be the majority of the American voting population until a couple decades after we offer free education
This push to demonize the strawman protest voters is an ongoing propaganda campaign to cause poor people to infight.
Religious participation is declining.
So are the populations of the older demographics that actually vote red.
Besides violent death throws of the Federalists, it looks like humanity is on track to end this shit organically
Still, fight them in every space at every step. Make them understand their ideology and rhetoric leads to the American people shooting them dead in self defense.
He was too lazy to do is own coup last time, just got his friends in the Kremlin to astroturf social media and goad a bunch of republican couch potatoes into storming the capiol in 2020. But Americans are domesticated so it took one person getting shot to make them run scared.