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You obviously have not read Kropotkin’s Mutual aid.



Soviet period (1979–1989) Edit After a Soviet-backed left-wing government in Afghanistan failed to gain popular support, the Soviets decided to invade. A number of resistance leaders concentrated on increasing opium production in their regions to finance their operations, regardless of its haram Islamic status, in particular Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Mullah Nasim Akhundzada, and Ismat Muslim. The production was doubled to 575 metric tons between 1982 and 1983.[15][16] (At this time the United States was pursuing an “arms-length” supporting strategy of the Mujahideen, the main purpose of which was to cripple the Soviet Union slowly into withdrawal through attrition rather than effect a quick and decisive overthrow.) Hekmatyar, the leading recipient of aid from the CIA and Pakistan, developed at least six heroin refineries in Koh-i-Sultan in southwestern Pakistan, while other warlords were content to sell raw opium. Nasim Akhundzada, who controlled the traditional poppy growing region of northern Helmand, issued quotas for opium production, which he was even rumoured to enforce with torture and extreme violence. To maximise control of trafficking, Nasim maintained an office in Zahidan, Iran.[17]


The USSR was there to oppose the US by fighting their proxies and defend the socialists in Afghanistan who supported them during the invasion.


And also they wanted to protect thier trade and their borders from other imperialsts.

Why cant it be both?

Why are you unable to recognize that USSR could invade Afghanistan to protect socialst and to protect trade and secure thier borders?

Why cant you just admit that the USSR did some unsavory things? Do you think they are a perfect embodiment of communism?

They assassinated the communist president of Afghanistan before they invaded!

All othet arguments aside i dont support governments who use assassination that way.


Its bullshit to paint an invasion as aid. This is what imperialist do.

The soviets invaded afaganistan for the same reasons as the us did later and Briton did before.

To protect their borders from afar,

To create and protect trade deal favorable to their country,

To spread their ideology.

And by the way I read a book about the history of afaganistan called: Games Without Rules: The Often Interrupted History of Afghanistan.

It outlined how the three main invasion of Afghanistan all followed the same basic lines, motivations and results. They devastated Afghanistan and created a situation where they would be invaded again.


God I hate that term.

Yeah the racist Republicans in the US use whataboutism all the time to skirt around actual critiques. They really hate it when you call them out on it

Did anarchist attack and kill communists during that time period? Yes. Does that make thier critiques about soviet authoritarianism invalid or make emma Goldman letters false. No. It just means there is nuance in history.

I dont categorically support emma goldman. And Im not surprised they said some racist things. Thats why I am able to separate the good things they did while critizing the bad.

You should try it!

It is a known fact that the USSR consolidated power within russia after the october revolution. They killed and jailed anarchists and many other opossing groups.

And when lenin died and stalin took over, he did it too. This is what large goverments must do to maintain power.

The fact that you can’t admit that means you a defintiately a tankie.

By merely mentioning an informal fallacy I have torn your argument asunder! You are the one who has proven nothing.

You sound like a jackass when you write this way. imo.


It’s not about who does it, it’s about the objectives of the invasion.

Lol do you hear yourself?

Tankie bullshit friend.

Afghanistan did not want to be invaded. The Afghans fought with the soviets through guerilla warfare for a decade.

You sound just like Americans justifying the US invasion that would happen later.


Tankie nonsense.


The USSR invaded aganistan. Dont worry the USA did too but it tootally isnt imerpialism when the USSR does it right?


to the false narrative of Bolshevik betrayal and anarchist victimhood which she is attempting to create.

Do you have any evidence that this is false or do you just not like it?

Alls I hear is a lot of what aboutism.

"Emma goldman is writing about anarchist being murdered but whatabout the the bad things anarchists did? "

Emma goldman was a russia born anarchist critiquing The USSR.

Are you going to respond the to claims they are making or are you going to cherry pick out the racist stuff?

We can stop honeslty. if you believe that anarchism is eurofacism we have very little to talk about.


if you are referring to the method and work (aka. Marxism/ML), is something that you have asserted but not proven.


“But of all the revolutionary elements in Russia it is the Anarchists who now suffer the most ruthless and systematic persecution. Their suppression by the Bolsheviki began already in 1918, when — in the month of April of that year — the Communist Government attacked, without provocation or warning, the Anarchist Club of Moscow and by the use of machine guns and artillery “liquidated” the whole organisation.”

Emma goldman
