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100%. Can’t risk possibly awarding the trip to someone who won’t spend 90% of their time there taking “aesthetic” photos and pumping up the place. 🙄


What are these facial expressions? 😆🤣💀 I’m dying, this approaching 40 year old woman is in her bathroom on a Saturday morning, in her little bikini, wiggling her bits, finger gunning, smirking and fish lipping at herself in her phone, trying extra hard to get that over-botoxed, Star Trek extra forehead to move. It’s tragic. Hilarious (she looks like such a cringe fool), but tragic.


It would not surprise me in the LEAST to see her starve herself skinny again because she thinks she has this opportunity to be a real, famous model. Considering her top, number one, all-around lifetime goals involve her looks and being celebrated for them, I wouldn’t bat an eye if she said hello again to the disordered, dysfunctional relationship she apparently had with food (and never treated).


So now she’s scamming Gen X nostalgia for her own? She 100% has seen some of the Gen X memes going around about quicksand (Neverending Story in particular),Bermuda Triangle and sasquatch.

I’ve never seen someone have absolutely no interests or personality of their own before. And not a single hobby! It’s truly bizarre.


She’s shown us she’s a selfish asshole repeatedly. Nana is only invited to literally play nanny. Without a doubt Sarah considers herself one of the kids when her parents are around and behaves accordingly. I don’t feel sorry for them because it’s obvious they built this monster and appease its every demand and whim. They all have a super weird dynamic.


I was just thinking about that earlier today, after reading through comment after comment attacking her appearance. They don’t even flirt with fatphobia, they openly practice it and say horrible things about her appearance constantly including:

Big forehead, big chin, meaty fists, frizzy hair, sweat slick around her legs, needs to wear absorbent underwear on her head, foul, doesn’t wash, thin, stringy hair, parched, still nothing special, Jay Leno wants his chin back, comments about overeating, she’s a feral beastie…it goes on and on.

I see much worse “bullying” there on a daily basis than I ever saw on TBP snark, so not sure where their attitude is coming from. I stopped participating in that sub because it was mostly all about insulting her looks and not about what makes her problematic.


18,000 new followers today? Who does she think she’s kidding? This broad out here showing actual celebrity level social media growth as if it’s authentic is fucking hilarious.


This post of hers makes no sense. She posts on insta about photos not looking the same on insta as they do on her phone, by posting the two versions of the image on insta? What a dumbass. How did you post the version from your phone ON INSTA and have it be clearer than the blurry image supposedly representing how it looks ON INSTA?

She’s such a moron it hurts.


Her idiot followers eat this crap up. It’s her typical blah blah blah that really means nothing, and it’s also designed to make her naysayers look like big meanies! She’s just a kind, simple gal, with a gosh darn genuine love for the magic and wonder of Disney (even though her version of magic and wonder easily surpassed $15,000 for just two of them and a couple of the kids). It saves and sustains her troubled soul! They stayed at Animal Kingdom Lodge, in a room with a savannah view. The cheapest option is $694 USD/night for just 2 adults and goes up from there. $15,000 is very easily a conservative estimate. Her trying to be relatable is nauseating. She words things using “you’ve” because she doesn’t have to save for this. She can drop this money on a whim. This trip is not remotely accessible to the average family, who scrimp and save so they can stay at one of the value resorts, in the off-season, with deals. If you have the money, great, do what you want (although I still think her fortunes were founded on lies and deception). But Jesus Christ, stop pretending you’re everyone’s best, relatable friend. Most people don’t even have parents that will come as babysitters, let alone that will baby the ever-loving hell out of them and cater to their every whim. Her followers generally don’t have the dollars to do whatever they want (and the ability to grift so many freebies, even when they could easily pay).

It’s fucking gross and I hope influencer culture dies off because it’s a cancer on society.


Huh. It’s almost like he’s a really shitty person or something. They can’t possibly be surprised.
