
UnlimitedRumination [he/him]

5 posts • 73 comments
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Watts in a resistive example like yours is Volts x Amps. I would have been able to much better answer this question a year ago so forgive me if I’m misremembering the specs but I’ll answer since nobody else has. Two things that suggest to me this might be a bad idea:

  • Charger is 40W, that’s probably usb PD (I don’t know anything about QC so maybe I’m wrong). PD supplies more than 15W (5V x 3A) by stepping up the voltage, not the amperage. While stepping up either would likely be bad or very bad for some part of your circuit, don’t worry about that though; without the powered device telling it to, PD won’t activate. It should max out at 15W… I think. It depends on the resistance on the CC lines and using a splitter could screw up the resistance that tells the power supply which USB version to support so it can go up to 3A (15W). Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve worked with USB power. 2 strips of 11W will need more power than that. Basically my concern is you won’t get adequate power out of the charger for one reason or another.
  • Where are you getting the 11.52W/min number? Watts don’t have a time unit and that much precision sketches me out. Almost as if someone who isn’t adequately educated measured the power straight off a multimeter once and just wrote that on a product page. Is the LED strip from a reputable manufacturer?

Yes, this is what makes you sound like a wonderful father. That you didn’t see it as even optional. None of us are experts on things we haven’t experienced before 😊


I think people like you are a hair from being as insane as the people they lock up.

Since I fully agree with what the commenter you’re replying to said, I’ll assume you’re lumping me into that group too.

Sure, call me insane. Call me crazy. Call me fucking nuts and say I need a straight jacket. Whatever floats your boat.

You’re not one of the people that can lock me up though and it’s pretty clear why. So just remember that “crazy” motherfuckers like me are driving next to you on the freeway, shopping behind you in the grocery store, living down the hall, etc. We could lose it at any point!

Fear of what you don’t understand and ignoring expert opinions are destroying society. Which side of that would you like to be on?

Plus, you’re talking to another human being, it’s just fucking disrespectful.


I personally see it as “hyperfocus” when I’m talking about minutes or hours and “fixations” when on the scale of weeks or months. But I have a lot of opinions about semantics for someone who isn’t a professional 😂

And I agree with his point in the video, probably because I first saw it years ago so I’m already biased and it’s also very much the case for me. It’s perseveration. I can’t break away from the task, sometimes even if I’m screaming at myself internally to do so. I hate it and it feels like I’m malfunctioning at the time. Hyperfocus sounds like a good thing, maybe even superhuman, that you can willingly steer, and that’s not the case.


Yeah they really buried some critical information on this one. I get the point of the article about general surveillance but when people feel tricked they get burned out on the issue and trust the media less. They could have made the point they wanted without making it clickbait.


And it was when reading this comment that I realized I was thinking of Philip J Fry and Stephen Fry is not him.


I thought it was just (or mostly) partial pressure of O2 when it comes to hemoglobin? It’s been about 15 years since I was in school so I might remember wrong.


This video is great, I watched it around a year ago and if it’s new information it totally changes the way you think about grounding. It’s also helpful in choosing how to use your layers. It’s a little slow so it might take a couple of sittings to watch the whole thing.


The latest letter from the Ohio representative explains Congress’ “clear legislative interest” in making sure elected prosecutors don’t abuse their authority to politically “target federal officials,”

Uhh… He’s not a federal official. Sit down Gym.
