Instead of a new snark, it would be incredibly agitating for TBP if you built a Pro Janette thread, which just provided her more evidence through all of our investigative reporting for her continual efforts to expose. We aren’t talking sh*it on her, so it wouldn’t be breaking any guidelines, just dropping a little side-by-sides, zoomed in edits, etc. Almost a muted page with no words, just photographic evidence for filing LOL
- nobody is forcing you to get up before 7am. That is your choice. 7am is when LL booking opens and apparently that was alllll her. LL times do not start until parks open at 9am.
- Your kids always annoy you. That’s why you brought your mother, so you don’t have to deal with them. As usual
- Maybe there wouldn’t be so many “disappointments” if you didn’t plan and control ever second of the day and be a spoiled brat when things don’t go your way. It’s not a “disappointment”, it’s called “vacationing with your family”, which you know nothing of because you’re always off on trips by yourself.
Remember ladies, you can only be confident or relevant if you walk with “confidence” in a string bikini while overweight. Nothing else. Please don’t bother going to school. Or a career. Or have a nice personality. Or do good for your community. Or put others first. Nobody cares about that.
When other content creators reveal the real Sarah vs her own filtered posts
Her sister had jaw surgery in high school and had her jaw wired shut. She developed an ED from that. When TBP started IG with her weightloss and people started noting she had an ED, she threw her sister under the bus and told her story as a deflection because she could “never” have an ED because her sister had one. Then, many years later - shock and awe…she cops to having one because she was literally starving herself. YET had no problem making a platform, getting on the cover of Heidi Powells mag, etc, claiming it was all “fitness”. She’s always has been and always will be a liar, especially when it comes to making a “story” that will fit the current trend