
Reading this feels like a fever dream
I wrote “2018” as the date the other day and it took me quite a while to realize what I had done. I’m 29. 💀
In my experience, people are weird. There are so many variables that no one outsider could possibly get it right based off the limited information we have. Off the top of my head we have: Option 1) he knows for a fact he doesn’t like you that way. Option 2) he treats you different because he DOES like you that way. Option 3) he treats you different because he knows you like him that way. Option 4) you are misunderstanding his “flirting” with others and he actually treats you all the same.
When you have 6 dogs and they all need a walk
My one drive won’t even let me access it I have no idea why and I am not about to take the time to figure it out lol
Money can almost exclusively be put to “better” use. I’m not going to regret going out with friends and spending a $20 on drinks and dinner. Being sour about it doesn’t make the money come back lol.