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Sean Tilley
84 posts • 177 comments

Former Diaspora core team member, I work on various fediverse projects, and also spend my time making music and indie adventure games!

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Most efforts haven’t moved beyond the planning stages. Just because you can point to a plugin or a FEP spec doesn’t mean that it’s an ongoing active effort for bring a payment layer to the Fediverse, with a consumer-facing tool or platform. I’m sorry if I didn’t catch that Mitra had some of that functionality, but I would also push back and say that the average person is not going to use Monero for payments on the Web anytime soon.

Those PeerTube plugins are nice, and the Premium Users one was actually something I pointed to for, as an example of prior art. They’re interesting experiments, possibly useful integrations, but not in and of themselves actual platforms to build infrastructure and solutions on.


Dude, listen. I am one person running a volunteer news project for free. I try my best to stay on top of researching the space, but there’s no reasonable way for me to catch everything. I’ve written 200+ articles at this point, but due to a combination of factors, I struggle to get more than one article out per week at times. I regularly juggle a backlog of 40+ drafts at any given moment. Add a dash of burnout and fatigue, and you’ll start to get a clearer picture: it’s hard to keep up, and only getting harder.

There’s no way for me to reasonably catch everything. Mitra’s a cool project and all, but it’s tiny enough that I’ve heard relatively little about it. There are dozens of projects out there at this point, and new ones everyday. If you’re not advertising the thing you’re building and what it does, there’s a high chance I might miss it.

I keep an eye on the FEP developments from time to time, and I applaud all you’ve accomplished with that. However, the existence of a spec does not necessarily mean that platforms out there are necessarily implementing each and every one of them.


Probably because, to my knowledge:

  1. I didn’t know that Mitra did that.
  2. Even though it does have that functionality, I have no idea whether it would work with the rest of the network.
  3. This article was about

I’m not trying to slight Mitra in any way, shape, or form, but my focus for this article was scoped to one thing in particular.


Fucking amazing book, I laughed so hard from start to finish.


Yeah, I’ll try to look into this for clarity. It really depends on what they mean here - I think they’re referring to curated server following between admins, which is what PeerTube does.

When I tested out the messaging system, I was able to federate back and forth with Mastodon. Maybe it works fine at a user level, it’s just the search entries that don’t get federated automatically?


Adderall. There are, of course, some trade-offs. Having gone so many years without any kind of medication, though, it’s a night and day difference.

I feel like my memory recall is so, so much better with it. When I’m off meds, I often find myself in a mental fog, struggling to remember details spoken to me moments ago. It’s like I’m constantly trying to hold onto a thought, as it’s rapidly slipping out of my grasp.

I still have to rely on the productivity methods that work for me. I obsessively take notes and make lists, because I would be totally lost without either. I’m slowly making lifestyle changes that are helping me overcome almost 20 years of clutter.


Yep, I’m aware of their effort, and have reached out about collaboration. 😁

The icon font I’ve been building might technically predate it. I’ve been building it since December at least, and it’s something our site depends on.


Regardless of how you feel about it, it’s still notable that people on the Fediverse managed to scrape $500k together. This is the first time something like that has ever happened on this network. In the world of big politics and presidential campaigns, it’s not much. However, within the scope of grassroots organizing, it’s substantial.

I agree that I would love to see that funding go towards mutual aid, infra and project funding, and supporting people who work on different parts of the network.


I think it’s a big opportunity that the Fediverse has largely slept on. A lot of people shrug it off, but Facebook, Instagram, Medium, and a number of other places offer an export archive of your data.

Some of it isn’t all that usable, but there’s something extremely appealing about being able to take old parts of your social graph with you, and merge it into a new identity. A fixation I’ve had for the past few years is consolidating all of my data into one place, under one identity, and I’m exploring the possibility of writing data converters.

Interestingly, Pixelfed allows you to import your Instagram archive, and it’s fantastic.


So, to be clear: it’s not a concept like Nomadic Identity. Rather, it’s a demonstration of importing data archives from other social networks and platforms, and integrating that data into an existing Fediverse account.

In other words: it’s not a singular managed identity for all your apps, it’s a mechanism for marrying data from different systems to a Fediverse Actor. Paired with something like Nomadic Identity, it would be a game changer.
