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Just look at how popular threads is. Only a tiny group of privacy enthusiasts are truly worried about privacy. The general public in the whole world do not give a flying fuck.


Problem is the ceos, shareholders are mostly in their 50s so they only have at most 50 years of their lives left. They don’t need to care about the future. They don’t need to care about warming , heating, burning, as they can turn on their AC and stay comfy. Also Many oil production countries are not the most morally responsible countries.


The problem is once they started to turn public transport into for profit, there is little way to turn back. They invite private companies to build the network, do the operation, now how can they go back to be non profit to be a public service to the people ? Unless they do subsidise fares which will look like they are siphoning money from government to private companies. It’s a no winner situation. If the government wants to nationalise the public transport they will have to spend a significant amount of money to buy them off , which may or may not be affordable to them.


where porn? Please enlighten me with links so I can personally check them all out and block them! Hate porn, hate pussy pic, hate communism, cheers


Ukraine is right between NATO countries and Russia. So if Russia takes Ukraine, they are in direct contact with NATO countries. With Putin’s conquerer approach to retake former soviet land, I would say he is certainly going to attack former soviet separated countries if he is successful in Ukraine, and next step the NATO countries. Putin is ruthless and non capitalist in a sense that his ultimate goal is not to make the most money in the world, but rather to conquer as much as possible land in his life and make Russia the fearless kingdom in the Europe once again, which makes him unpredictable and dangerous. He does not value sanctions from the west as much as the other countries that rely on foreign trading to the west to stay afloat, the Russians have plenty of connection to mid east countries, China, India , turkey to keep trading. They produce oil as well so they will not collapse like Nazis since they have a constant supply of fuel and energy.


In the time of active war I don’t think not supporting Ukraine is an option. Don’t cherry pick their vote on the matter as a whole. The people who voted against supporting Ukraine have done a lot of work to convince US citizens that supporting Ukraine is wrong. Which is then fundamentally flawed because if they don’t support Ukraine then Putin are certainly going to take over Ukraine, and all the biggest allies of US in the Europe are under direct threat of Putin. Unless they are acting on behalf of pure evil, pure hate against Ukraine, or perhaps on behalf of Putin himself, I don’t see why they would want US to be out of the game.


As if they can produce champagne and other stuff out of nowhere. They may have a nuclear fallout bunker somewhere hidden in a desert but they can only rely on existing food / materials they can accumulate now. Most likely cans of food. Their champagne bottle will run dry unless they’re hiding in a massive Amazon underground warehouse that no one can access it. After all we have seen the riots in Paris, riots in Hongkong, if the law enforcement is not strong enough, people will automatically go riot mode, and if there is really a large conflict, there will be no one protecting the wealthy ones property and everyone is going for themselves


i refuse to believe AI can replace totally of the human part in the industry. Yeah some of the weak actors will be pushed out as they are not doing the job good enough, but it’s inevitable that one day technology is advanced that AI can actually replace human workforce. Like car manufacturing industry that have massive machines to assemble car parts, but also there are things only human can do. We don’t need crappy scriptwriters writing rubbish soap opera that my 10 year old daughter can write because they are no more generic than a AI churn out script. It’s like hiring a typewriter operator in 2023. Or rubbish actors that are like reading their script out with minimal effort and skills. It does not make sense.


The difference is greenwood is actually got video evidence of his abuse, just his girlfriend now decided to forgive him and drop the case


He is such a weird case. Going back and forth to his previous clubs, have most likely the biggest transfer fee combined, yet no club truest can keep him or know how to use him. He is like the exotic spice you bought in a tiny island in Caribbean that you have absolutely no idea how to use it.
