jadedwench [they/them]
First, I am a pan-sexual woman with severe ADHD and a sprinkling of BPD. If I have a meltdown or an episode, I am VERY sorry. Let me take 5, and I can apologize and be a reasonable human being again. None of this is an excuse, but it at least explains it. I assure you, I will be tearing myself apart with guilt and embarrassment for far longer than is healthy. I would be eternally grateful if you could have a little patience and not pour fuel on the fire. I would never wish any of these disorders on anyone. I will do my best.
Who am I? That is always a difficult question to answer as self introspection can be a rather painful and difficult exercise. I don’t believe we are always the same. We all change, but we do like to make the same choices over and over. If I had to sum myself up, I am a force of nature who cares too much.
Fucking hell. NSFW tag missing.
Thanks. I am huge proponent that we can actually change things about ourselves. Without going on a very long ted talk, my thoughts mostly revolve around admitting to yourself and taking ownership that you did or thought something wrong. Don’t excuse it. The rest is repetition and letting your inner changes evolve into calling shitty behavior out.
One thing I started doing the last decade was to really focus more on bodily autonomy in casual situations, despite my southern upbringing. I never really forced myself on anyone and I hyper focus on other people’s emotions as it is, so, I know when to back off or be docile. However, I didn’t really think about it consciously. I needed to be better.
Two stories.
I remember some older lady just touching my hair to show it to someone else in the office and how utterly uncomfortable it made me. I had already thought a lot about how awful POC have it and I could never imagine touching a strangers hair without asking. For a moment, I got a taste of that discomfort and it really pushed me to be less complacent.
The worst thing I did was just yank a gray hair out of my best friend’s head. She did not like it. To this day I am utterly horrified I did it and still apologize. I don’t even care about gray hair! I can’t believe I let a stupid beauty trope I grew up with just come out of nowhere. I have no idea what possessed me.
No more generations that force kids to be hugged when they do not want to. I do not hug or touch people without asking first, even if I know them fairly well. I have a few friends that usually force themselves to accept hugs, even when they don’t want to be touched. I make sure kids know that they do not have to put up with it and they can say no as much as anybody else. It is such a simple concept to follow.
I get really frustrated trying to do math, “in my head”. I didn’t realize for a long time that the way I was trying to do it isn’t what everyone does. I can only do math on paper, so I am literally drawing on imaginary paper in the air while desperately trying to keep track of things to only have it slip away like sand and then starting over. I still do subtraction/addition like I was taught in elementary where you cross out the number and write the remainder or whatever above it.
Trying to do that on imaginary paper and keep track of the slashes and tiny numbers is torture. Especially when the damn paper keeps moving, colors fading out, and I can’t just make the number appear. No. I have to mentally draw the strokes of each digit like I am using a pencil. Oh, and my handwriting sucks, so I write numbers really slow. Have I randomly mentioned I fucking hate white boards? Now I have. I have nothing to leverage my hand or arm on.
Basically, trying to keep all of the noise out my head or at least on a similar task is really hard at times. It is like being in a crowded restaurant and each sound gets the same amount of attention. Every step, clink, swish, creak, conversation, air movement, cars outside, all gets an equal amount of attention. Imagine a flat equalizer in a sense.Your brain is supposed to be able to filter that shit out so you can talk to the person in front of you. We don’t get that luxury. Medication is a damn miracle. It isn’t perfect, but having even a fraction of peace in my head is enough.
- Leave the threads up, probably locked. Don’t erase history.
- I wouldn’t start on wholesale topic bans just yet. This should be an absolute last resort and this will probably do more harm than good.
- Possibly create some extra categories for titles so users can filter it out if they don’t want to hear about it. Instance name of the potential PTB? Not sure.
My suggestion for this topic right now is to get everyone together that needs to and talk/scream/yell about it in private. I think everything has been said publicly at this point and the reading comprehension has gone down the toilet. The amount of misunderstandings, blanket downvotes, pettiness, bad assumptions, baiting and finger pointing is getting ridiculous. Have your damn say and find a conclusion, even if said conclusion is ‘fuck you’ from each person.
For shit like this in the future? If it comes to it, it is far better to lock first, talk to the person, and then unlock it. We can tell each other all day to be an adult, but it isn’t that simple. There will always be some big event that floods the community at some point or another. This community practically begs for it. It will eventually be filed into PTB history.
That is a kind of shitty response from World and seems a little condescending to me, but tone is difficult. You are welcome here and I would rather you stay and interact with the rest of us than leave the fediverse. Your voice matters and I didn’t have the same outlets when I was your age.
The worst is Discord. It doesn’t show up in search engines and somehow you have to know that is where you are “supposed” to go for help. Privacy issues aside, I am fine with discord for playing games with friends or big conventions/LAN parties, but I don’t understand why anyone would use it as a forum.