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Ultimate Frisbee


You think they added the sounds afterward to make it seem like there was a group behind the camera? Because you can hear several people…


I don’t know about everyone else, but the way my partner describes being horny and not being able to turn it off sometimes really concerns me, like it seems to me that having something so distracting and in the forefront of your mind constantly would be really upsetting, like an addiction, and how would you focus on other things when that’s happening? I definitely believe the composition of the human body and the reliance on chemicals and hormones is a huge hinderence to our further intellectual evolution. Obviously overall they are super necessary in the functioning of our bodies and were integral in our evolution up to this point, but now that we have the ability to be sapient and have the technology within our grasp to one day separate the mind from the squishy, fallible, salty meat sacks, my vote is wholeheartedly for a cyborg existence. My back hurts and my head hurts and and I’m too hot and too cold and dehydrated and hungry and I need to pee and that is just too many obstacles between me and the knowledge and betterment of humanity I crave.


I know what you mean here, but it’s a bit egotistical of humans to be like “we literally know what this creature who can’t talk” is thinking when they can barely properly guess what their long term partner or friend is always thinking 🤣 cats MIGHT be more simplistic in thought patterns than humans, but to assert what all cats believe based on an incorrect reporting on John Bradshaw’s studies of cats is just plain wrong- please do a quick search! You’ll see there are conflicting reports of what his book seems to claim, but he himself does not assert that that’s what cats literally believe. 😬

Edit to add: here’s the article where he’s being interviewed about it, and the relevant part!


"I’ve read articles where you’ve said cats think of us as big, stupid cats. Is that accurate?

No. In the book [I say] that cats behave toward us in a way that’s indistinguishable from [how] they would act toward other cats. They do think we’re clumsy: Not many cats trip over people, but we trip over cats.

But I don’t think they think of us as being dumb and stupid, since cats don’t rub on another cat that’s inferior to them."


Good, perhaps the boomers will recognize how impossible the current structure is to live under and actually pay attention to what they are voting for…

Who am I kidding, that’s not going to happen 😭


Emotions take energy, and we all seem to have a limited amount of energy to expend throughout the day, week, or month. But it also seems like it can be practiced and you can build emotional endurance, utilizing different tools that mental health experts have developed, to help extend your limits and prevent you sometimes from feeling completely drained. It does take practice! And some days you’ll be affected by things that are just simply beyond your control, such as unexpected interactions and hormones, etc. I’ve personally found that medication for anxiety helps me to limit the amount of energy I’m expending on emotions because I’m no longer reacting as strongly to everything and being in a constant state of fight or flight, which allowed me the time and space to build my endurance in a healthier way, but it’s going to be different for everyone just due to genetics and environment and lifestyle, etc. What you describe specifically sounds a lot like depression, from my own experiences, but you know yourself best. Have you been able to speak with any mental health professionals about your concerns?


It can be so frustrating because it feels like any number of factors can be the culprit, from consuming certain drugs or alcohol which can impact sleep, which can then impact how your body and mind process and break things down, from natural hormone cycles, from unexpected life events that require more in-depth engagement than the usual routine, from what kind of food you’re consuming and the sugar/fat/etc. content, to how often you are getting exercise and moving your body around… It’s impossible to have a perfect and consistent day, week, month, or year, but it’s possible to give yourself patience and kindness and the mindfulness to realize “well, today perhaps I hit my limit early due to factors beyond my control” and that’s totally okay. There are days and even weeks when I feel great throughout and can feel on top of my social and productivity game, and, more often than not, there are days where I just can’t convince myself to get out of bed, can’t convince myself to get off the couch, can’t see any reason to socialize or make healthy food choices or be productive, and sometimes that’s okay, sometimes you just gotta be patient with yourself and do something that makes you feel comfortable and not stress out about what’s “normal” or “right.” We only get the one life, so I believe that instead of worrying if we fit the mold properly it’s better to just do what makes us feel good and doesn’t make the world worse to live in, if we can. I hope you can reach your goal of a week long meter some day!! But don’t beat yourself up if it feels like you aren’t making the progress you want all the time ❤️


If they can even get there. At this point there’s so much money poured into vitriol and smear campaigns, divisive propaganda to keep everyone off the same page, hell, even people getting murdered or imprisoned just for trying to do what they can to get their voice out on a public platform and improve their countries… I hope the revolution actually happens, but it seems like it’ll take some grand feat of coordination…


Is there anyone here who is a woman who has experienced this?


Because they also elect people who have power over the entire country
