

8 posts • 92 comments
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Hey, I like that we’re throwing ideas out about how to make the fediverse better. But as someone that develops software in the enterprise and works with product management, putting on my user hat here my first question would be: What problems does this solve for? Upvotes/downvotes and moderation weed out bad actors and highlight good responses. You can paypal/venmo/zelle/even send crypto to donate to server hosts pretty easily.

Personally, I’m not interested in anything having to do with a ledger or currency. Keep web3 dead and buried where it belongs. Isn’t voting with currency for the community just a DAO? And we’ve seen how sideways those go. Not everything has to be a stock market/casino.

And more currency doesn’t mean better responses or more valuable content. We see this with money in politics, where those with the most currency get to be the loudest voices and push their agenda the most. That doesn’t mean they are pushing quality or fact.

But I am curious about starting with the problem first rather than the solution. What do we see as something needing to be addressed? What would an acceptable outcome look like? Once those are defined, then look to what solution best fits.


I have a similar story. Back in the 90’s I’d go to the library and one of the terminals available auto dialed and logged into gopher (being that this was MN and gopher was home grown). One of the menu options eventually ended me up at another college that had muds in its telnet link sections. But you couldn’t really sit and monopolize a terminal at the library. I did see though the phone number written on the modem. So I dialed it from home with my 2400 baud modem. It would just land me at a > prompt. No regular commands worked. But I had remembered that the gopher server was consultant.micro.umn.edu . So I typed that in at the prompt and voila I was connected. The curses client for gopher loaded up the mother gopher site. I found my way to that college with the mud list and played quite a bit. Later I discovered by accident I could just ^C out of the curses client and be dropped to a limited privilege command shell. but it had telnet. So I could just go straight to the muds.

Later I learned from the U of MN gopher site that I could get an alumni account for a few bucks a month. Well, they offered alumni accounts anyway. I hadn’t actually attended. I printed out the paper form and mailed it in, just checking the box that said I was an alumni. apparently they didn’t check if I actually was, because from then on I had an alumni account. Which didn’t really give me anything new except an email address. And I could “officially” dial in like I had been. but I felt like I should at least be paying something.


KQ5 was my favorite of the series. Played that over and over on my LCII. We had a MidiMan midi adapter and played out the sound through a Kawai keyboard. It was awesome.


I like the idea in general with framework. But I don’t even upgrade my desktop gaming pc that I built anymore. I feel like we’re past the days when there would be an amazing rate of progress leaving everything you have completely obsolete after a few years. I’ve had a Ryzen 5 3600 build running since the week they came out and I have no desire to upgrade any piece of it. I finally just in the last 2 months traded up from a 2012 MBP to a 2017 MBP (I found used on ebay) and I don’t feel like there’s anything I’m missing out on. You get such longevity out of devices these days that I just don’t personally see the appeal of a thicker clunkier laptop that looks kind of cheap but offers upgradability. Buy something, use it for 5-7 years then sell it on ebay and buy something newer-ish.


Welcome! I’ve been active off and on over the years. It’s a good community.


Fellow Sony Smart tv owner here. Whatever that google tv os thing is, it phones home like crazy. And with my Pihole enabled on the network some of the tv functionality doesn’t work. I just banned it’s MAC address from my network at the router and don’t use it’s “smart” features.


The thing with a CU is it’s great until something goes wrong. Although anecdotal, these are all real world trouble I’ve had with ours: 1) Need to have safe deposit box drilled. Took over 6 months to get it scheduled and repeated visits to the branch manager. 2) Had a double post of a debit. Not a biggie, but no 24 hour customer service (or weekend service unless you come in person). Had it been fraud or a huge double post I would have been out of luck until the next business day. And would likely have had to go in person. 3) Ordering checks required an in person visit. 4) Changing out an old secondary signer for a new one required an appointment that took several weeks to book (apparently no one there works full time). 5) Interest on our money market is worse than the local big banks.


Yep, VCs are unwilling to just fund any old thing hoping they’ll hit the lottery right now when money is “expensive”.
