I’m here to explore gender, looking for affirmative community to be honest with.
Extracts from 2nd link that stood out to me
most evidence to date reveals a much larger contribution of sex-related hormones compared to sex-related genes to the sexual differentiation of the rodent brain and behavior
studies revealed that feminization and masculinization are independent processes rather than two poles of a continuum
And adding to the first link:
[brains whose features align clearly at either male or female end are] low (0% to 8%) and much lower than the number of mosaic brains (23% to 53%), that is, brains in which at least one feature was at the “femaleend” zone and one feature was at the “male-end” zone…
Started seeing a counsellor to help me process stuff. Feels more productive than calling Samaritans again, but it’s good they are there, v grateful. Being genderfluid is tiring because one moment I know what I want, clear as day, the next I don’t feel it.
Believing in a binary is ignoring factual reality. It would be like saying we shouldn’t believe in carbon or oxygen in the universe because 99.8 percent of all elements are either hydrogen or helium.
love this!