Ding ding ding - that was fast.
Indeed, it’s this delicious little strawberry. And for those who are confused: a strawberry is botanically not a berry but a ‘aggregate accessory fruit’. I know it’s controversial but in many (not all) places, the little seeds of the strawberry are referred to as nuts.
These nuts are indeed not really popular but I found them in a regular supermarket in Germany a couple of years ago. As someone mentioned they’re typically almost impossible to crack, so each nut already had a small canal sawed into the side and the box came with a metal lever that exactly fits into said canal. With that preparation it was quite easy to open them.
You can also buy them online prepared that way. E.g. here: https://mypilinut.com/de/products/noix-de-pili-en-coque-seau-xxl-2900g (I don’t know this shop, it was just the first result on Google, so no clue if it’s a fair price).
Know nut November Day #7 - What nut is this?
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