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I’m pretty sure at least some of Google’s workers are also ch!nlords.

There was a post here months ago about an official statement from some suit at Google claiming how they aren’t a political platform and other handwaving capitalist bullshit in response to their employees protesting Google’s supportive relationship with Israel. Screenshots from some social media platform for techbros were posted wherein this topic was being discussed, just despicable reactionary shit from everyone involved. My memory of it may be exaggerated by the rage I felt but it made me think of a fucking /pol/ thread exclusively populated by Silicon Valley type neckbeards. Google and Microsoft were among the companies these filth were working for.

I previously tried to find the post with search but haven’t had luck.


If it helps any, you’re not suffering alone. The only texts I get are directly from and for whatever job I happen to have, or an appointment I’ve made somewhere. I’ve tried starting and keeping some texting going with a couple of people I grew up with as close friends, it never lasts more than a few days, and then over a year passes in silence. It has happened several times already and I’ve given up on trying any more.


The cylinder in which porky and pals sat was the center segment that imploded and shattered. The hemispherical end cap (not pictured) and tail portion which held the support hardware (shown in the screencap) were bolted to either end of the deathtube.


Kay and Skittles

That was a great video. He spends like 5 straight minutes at the beginning just dropping hard truth bombs all over xenophobic liberal bullshit. Plus the reference to Shaun and his Japan atomic bombing debunkings video. Never knew about this channel until now, seems like an objectively good guy and a comrade. Gulag for everyone involved with the writing and “research” done for that pile of dreck.


I present to you capitalism’s finest, the whitest and most divorced man on earth:

Deadbeat, sexist, transphobic, absentee father of multiple children, multiple divorces:✅

Less rational and emotionally mature than the average tween:✅

History of reactionary political posts that stoke existing right-wing and dudebro bigotries in his army of bootlicking acolytes:✅

Owner or controlling interest in several multi-billion-dollar bazinga corpos, material value and benefits to society dubious:✅

Fifty-fucking-three years old and memelording shit like this daily as if he’s still in primary school:✅


While I regret that our health care system regularly forces people to consider cost when making life-or-death decisions, I’m grateful that insurance will help my husband and me pay for the health care we need.

Still love the truck, though!

The level of self-submission to ruthless, cutthroat capitalist ideology on display here is astounding, not surprising any more but astounding. I would even classify this as self-harming thought. The people of this country are utterly beyond hope.

I want to believe Kamala Harris is right when she says “we are not going back” to a time when every calamity leaves us on our own.

I, too, am pumped to see what other progressive, highly beneficial bangers the “2.7% interest rate reduction on Federal/non-private student loan debt while operating a charitable business for >3 years in a disadvantaged community” capitalist comes up with next.


There was a year or two of relief for job seekers in the wake of the COVID19 half-measures where higher-ups had their HR departments unclench their worthless assholes just enough to give someone a chance at actually getting hired. It was, in my lived experience, much easier to get favorable responses to applications and then ‘pass’ interviews in 2020 and 2021 than at any other point in my life, including right now. Your suspicions are correct, businesses are absolutely back to cherrypicking applicants, it’s like trying to get hired during the 2008-2009 peak of recession again.


Same shit here. Applying at jobs I’m legitimately qualified for and able-bodied enough to do, then getting ghosted, rejected by automated email after 1-7 days, or maybe given an interview and then rejected 3-5 days after that. Some places I have 5 or 6 applications at over a period of a few years, all rejected before an interview without explanation. If I didn’t already have major chronic depression before starting adult life, I sure as fuck would’ve after being forced into the capitalist labor market.


This reactionary shitstain getting iced by some rifle-toting kid from his own side of the political spectrum is the most poetic justice shit I’ve seen in years. I’m genuinely happy for his death. The world is a slightly better place with people like this in the ground.
